Cpu overheating :\


Wise Old Owl
Those Temps are seriously high dude. As Skud said Check if the Cooler is fitted properly & if it is and still you are facing that temp in an AC room then go to the dealer from which you bought it and ask for RMA (Go with a sledge hammer In case required) ;))


Broken In
Well i finally took my cpu yesterday to Smc
Dey changed cpu and motherboard with der own to check if my mobo or cpu were faulty but same temps were coming...
so dey advised me to get H80 installed in my rig.
Now all temps are normal..but today when i tried to installed some software i figured out that my DVD writer is not reading disc but it was working fine b4 going to that assembler :O

Now do i have to go Nehru place again :-x or i can fix it up myself???

Pc on idle > *img153.imageshack.us/img153/4781/unleded.png

On load it max goes 70 but stay around 60 to 65

Really thanks for helping me out friends :D

Edit: its working now..thankQQ


Super Moderator
Staff member
Where are the pics then? I guess you are first person in this forum to purchase a H80. Let us drool as quickly as possible. ;)


Super Moderator
Staff member
yep, I want to see some pic too of the mighty H80 and congrats to TickTock for buying this ;-)

Deleted member 118788

Is H100 Also Available? Is H80 or H100 Better Than Noctua NH-D14? Pls Post Pics of H80.:)


Broken In
Hey thinkdigit,:x

Well guys the current situation of my cpu cores are very bad after lots of test with many games and also i tested my my pc with prime95 i was not satisfied with the temps my cpu is getting...i even faced 3-4 shutdowns while playing battlefield badcompany, crysis 2 etc..ike i said b4 my assemble even changed my cpu and motherboard with his own to check if any parts are faulty or not...but still on load my cpu goes like 80 degree With CORSAIR H80 INSTALLED Now m Blank what to next should i get my cpu exchanged or something and also i wanted to ask the experts That the whole problem is with my CPU AND ONLY CPU ??
Not with ram, psu, motherboard nd etc.

Thanks !
Last edited:


Aspiring Novelist
Hey thinkdigit,:x

Well guys the current situation of my cpu cores are very bad after lots of test with many games and also i tested my my pc with prime95 i was not satisfied with the temps my cpu is getting...i even faced 3-4 shutdowns while playing battlefield badcompany, crysis 2 etc..ike i said b4 my assemble even changed my cpu and motherboard with his own to check if any parts are faulty or not...but still on load my cpu goes like 80 degree With CORSAIR H80 INSTALLED Now m Blank what to next should i get my cpu exchanged or something and also i wanted to ask the experts That the whole problem is with my CPU AND ONLY CPU ??
Not with ram, psu, motherboard nd etc.

Thanks !

Wooah..that is way to high. You sure it is bolted down tight..?


Broken In
I just had some words with my assembler few mins ago..He told me to leave back my system to him he will get it checked from company and stuff and will replace any part which is causing this prob :\


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ that would be better but will they really find the prob - they are not gonna play BFBC2 or run prime 95 on it for sure but you can tell your assembler run some cpu load testing app on it like IBT, prime95, etc.

BTW, as asingh has asked have you installed that cpu cooler correctly - the cooler installation done by you or someone else ??


Broken In
^^ that would be better but will they really find the prob - they are not gonna play BFBC2 or run prime 95 on it for sure but you can tell your assembler run some cpu load testing app on it like IBT, prime95, etc.

BTW, as asingh has asked have you installed that cpu cooler correctly - the cooler installation done by you or someone else ??

He told me to give him 2 days time..he gonna change motherboard or cpu anyhing which is causing problem and this time i gonna run prime95, bfbc2 and etc app to check my cpu load and temps in front of him.

Corsair H80 installation was done by our own SMC people in front of my naked eyes..i guess dey installed it correctly.

Lets hope for the best :)

EDIT: While running prime 95 what temps should i get caz last time i ran it..it was around 90 to 95 :|


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ if you are using H80 it should not even cross 60c at stock speed under load ;-)


Broken In
Just talked to my mom on phone..PC wala told her der is some problem in Graphic card displacement something like that and he will change it WTf?..will be going to assembler shop in 1 hour.

Well I went with my father and mother this time to nehru place...well heres the short story..
Through contacts of my mother in Nehru place we called SHO[police wala] of that area and he threatened him directly in his shop "told him fix the rig either by tomorrow 4 pm or give the *BEEP* money back"....well i cnt tell u full story in writing but we did lots of gali galoj with him :lol::lol:...just waiting for tomorrow to get back the *BEEP* money as i am sure dey wont be able to fix the rig...:lol::lol:


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ that's really an extraordinary way to treat the PC wala ;-)

BTW, if the PC wala returns your money will you buy a SB cpu again ??


Broken In
^^ that's really an extraordinary way to treat the PC wala ;-)

BTW, if the PC wala returns your money will you buy a SB cpu again ??

Aree..I went like 6 times to Nehru place and he never showed his face..he use to talk to me on phone and keeps on sending me to SMC WORKSHOP with his worker..I told me 100 TIMES CPU IS faulty..but still he keeps saying install corsair H80 Nd it will fix overheating problem...blah blah....then finally i got H80 installed but still it was overheating like hell..then he started making stories that you dnt knw hw to run pc..der r voltage problem in ur house nd stuff...then i told everything to my dad..then this DRAMA happened and now tomorrow will be getting pc fully in good state or money will be refunded !

If PC doesn't works fine..then he have to return my parents money at any cost..and then i might wait for bulldozer series.
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