cpu - gpu performance queries.

amruth kiran

amruth kiran

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them
good discussions!!!
okay now, he question which is really bugging me.
should i stick to discussed config? ( i5 2500k one) ( without gpu :-()
get the i5 2400 one with 7850 gpu ( with the said psu it will cross 40k)

is't it better with, the higher end cpu and buy the gpu much later?
or be happy with 2400??
its easier to buy the i5 2500k one cause it just might touch 33k max.
unlike the other, it'l stretch way over 40k


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ all depends upon on what you want .. if want to unleash the gaming beast withing you get a i5 2400+HD7850 rig or else getting core i5 2500k will be much more future proof and at a later time you may get some good deals on gpu - personally, I would go for the 2nd option ie core i5 2500k for now ;-)
amruth kiran

amruth kiran

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them
thanks topgear, as always you seem to answer my thoughts.!!! :)
i5 2500k it is.
will see gpu much later.
thanks everyone!!!
i'll come back with more updates as time goes on
my engineering counselling is going on now. ( its online)
so after admissions, i should be able to get a pc upgrade.
cheers!! :-D
amruth kiran

amruth kiran

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them
after some good thought..
okay guys , back after a long time. had my engineering councilings...
i have 2 options now.
get the best proccy but WILL NOT OC. ( so best non oc'able proccy{ intel or amd, dont care})
and a compatible mobo and WILL HAVE THE 7850.

2> OR get i5 2500k, compatible z77 or z68, and NO GPU.
the rest of the config is same.

ANIKET'S like " No man,if you are a gaming freak then give the gpu first priority."
so kinda support it. but still your views please!!!!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ best non OCable cpu ie core i7 3770 will cost you 19-20k but a core i5 2500k costs around ~12.5k and it's gaming performance is not far behind compared to core i7 2600 / core i7 3770 and it can be OCed to outperform those non K cpus - so make your choice wisely.


Super Moderator
Staff member
@amruth kiran

Just buy i5-2500K + HD 7850 and be done with it. No point of taking discussion in circles.

If you want more performance in games, then spend more money on HD 7870.

There is zero difference in gaming performance if you go from i5-2500K to i7. Infact there is minimal performance difference even if you go from i3-2100 to i5-2400 as far as only games are concerned. All you need to do is avoid the bottleneck and that's it.

If you want to spend extra cash, then HD 7850 to HD 7870 will give you a proper gaming performance difference.
amruth kiran

amruth kiran

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them
if i increase the budget of gpu i'll have to decrease the price if the cpu and mobo.
so which one should i take to avoid the bottle neck?? ( with 7870)
i might as well take the i5 2400 then.

or the lesser i3 ones.

why not an amd alternative?? ( they are cheaper, but as far as they dont cut down fps's i alright)
amruth kiran

amruth kiran

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them
my dad does't agree ( pricing touches 40k)
so my alternative is too buy----- i5 2500k
---------------------------------- asus z77 extreme4 / pro 4
---------------------------------- g skil ripjawsx 4gb
---------------------------------- seasonic 520w s12ii
---------------------------------- coolermaster elite 431/430
so i save up after a few months and buy the 7850/7870


my dad does't agree ( pricing touches 40k)
so my alternative is too buy----- i5 2500k
---------------------------------- asus z77 extreme4 / pro 4
---------------------------------- g skil ripjawsx 4gb
---------------------------------- seasonic 520w s12ii
---------------------------------- coolermaster elite 431/430
so i save up after a few months and buy the 7850/7870

:-? asus z77 extreme4/ pro 4 :-? ? ?
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