Computer so hot, it doesn't finish boot process without overheat.


@gollum : works for me.

@swiftshashi : that's how I tore it down in the first place... service manual

@sorcerer : there was no thermal pad, only thermal paste. and since I can't find any alcohol locally, I decided to go for swabs, and was careful not to leave behind anything after cleaning. I did try with only a single stick of ram, without HDD, and it still won't stay on.

@topgear : how can I boot it up without battery while it is opened up like that ? I will have put it back together, and take out just the battery..

connect only the ac adapter[without battery]. your battery is not the best power source for your computer.


The Linux Guy
But if I do that, then components will be inside lappy shell/body (the plastic body). still try only battery ?


But if I do that, then components will be inside lappy shell/body (the plastic body). still try only battery ? I thought you were always connected to the ac adapter. Now I know why your computer shuts down. Its got no power.
Connect only the ac adapter without the battery and start the unit. I should work.


@Gollum : tried that yesterday. still doesn't stay on for more than a couple of seconds...

well I would suggest you to either take it to sp road or take to dell service center. they would probably replace system board
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