if the product is faulty, then service centers will replace/repair .but the experience is different for different products/brands. some repalces/repairs so early while others take time. some do get new products while others get refurbished ones etc.
ok. thanks for info.
gaming performance is dependent on cpu+gpu combo not on hard drive. any 7200 rpm ones should do.

for 2tb, there is only seagate i can suggest as 2tb wd blue is not available.2tb black costs 10k and 2tb is green is not good for a primary drive.
areee... now you are suggesting seagate, earlier you were telling me to buy WD..
[STRIKE]WD Caviar Blue 2 TB may be available locally. Same product you are suggesting??[/STRIKE]
Sorry WD caviar blue 2TB does not exist...
so seagate 2TB confirm?? or WD caviar blue 1TB x 2 ??
Buying everything locally.
efficiency is not everything. the quality of the components used to build a psu is the most important factor than a certification. higher certification does not imply that better components are packed inside. and you may know that cpu+gpu consumes most power and they need 12v output to work. combined 12v output of most units will be less than the rated power(which basically is the sum for +33v,+5v and +12v) especially for low end psus. you should select a psu such that the 12v combined power is close to its total power out put. you should not get psu labelled at 500w which can provide only 250W on 12v rail.
i woul suggest seasonic s12ii520, else vp550p is fine.
ok thanks.
priority wise buying.. (means should not go out of budget) (buying locally)
1. seasonic s12ii520
2. antec vp550p
again look for reviews before you buy for everything.
it will take more time again...
Hey, buddy, please help me with gpu... Asus strix 960 is good choice??
and for mobo also.. Asus B85M-G or Gigabyte B85M-D3H??
again add 3k and u can get gtx 970 zotac standard edition for 25100.
see this is the problem we face in gpu upgrade coz of our pricing policy in india
really bad thing...
even I saw some prebuilt rigs shows, for 50k= gtx 770, 60k/70K/80K= gtx 970..
new card really get more time to settle down.. that is why I mentioned thread name with "No GPU"... So I can "at least" use computer..

topic for debate..
NDTV Gadgets show price of 960 around 19,500 for Asus strix, and 18000 for zotac amp edition
I have to find out price for 960 locally..
Confused over gpu again and again and again...
Hehehe dead right, policy is utter crap here
As for that suggestion I thought he had separate budget for headphones, but alas he do not ,that's why I suggested it
I mention headphone, because I thought everything will fit into budget and headphone also.. but headphones is optional...
Well you wouldn't note the difference with current games at full HD ,but I think when newer games will launch and stress a gpu for memory, or you'll apply lots of mods that's when you'll notice the effect of bandwidth shortage
960 or any other??
Don't confuse me now.
I have never played game on any gpu on my pc. I tried on others pc but don't know whether they use it or not.. but played game on friend's PS 3..
Suggest me considering these things...
WHY IS THIS THREAD SO MESSY?? What's going on? Why is there no questionnaire in a 2 page thread?? Why? Clear it up OP. Fill up the questionnaire with the budget for all the computer hardware and not accessories. In the last question, mention what accessories are you thinking to buy at what price.
because, when we think, we messed up everything

There is questionnaire on #18 post..
Finalized everything.. check this rig...
CPU = Intel i5 4690 = 16K
GPU = ASUS Strix GeForce GTX 960 = 19K
Mobo = Asus B85M-G = 6K
RAM = Corsair Vengeance DDR3 8GBx1 = 5K
HDD = Seagate Barracuda 2 TB = 6k
PSU = Antec VP550P = 4k
Cabinet = Deepcool TESSERACT = 3k
Key & Mouse = Cooler Master Devastator Gaming Bundle = 3k
Optical Drive = Asus 24B5ST DVDRW -1K
Total = 63K
local cost can be low..
Monitor = Dell S2240L 21.5 = 9K (10k seperate budget)