Re: The Super[HEROES/VILLAINS] Discussion thread
Anybody up for fictional characters fights/battles?
Anybody up for fictional characters fights/battles?
Met a superhero early this morning. He bumped into another car with his Fortuner (his own mistake) and got out saying to the other guy "Tu jaanta ni mai kaun hoon"
here it isSuperheroes In india , give me a break .
Anybody see DCAU's latest offering, Justice League:War??(Out on TPB right now) It's based on the New 52 reboot...and, well it doesn't make it to my top 5 DCAU works. Don't get me wrong-DC is still way ahead of Marvel in animation, but it was just meh. The characters are seriously arrogant(except Batman, who's always had that personality)-especially Superman. Just saw a few episodes of Superman:TAS and compared the two...and yeah, it might piss off a few Superman fans.
Thankfully, DC has announced they are still going to make original/Pre-52 universe stories, so yeah, that's a relief.
^ yeah I saw that one. And what's wrong with Jordan in it. Acting like a supreme authority. I liked the cyborg part and his friendship with shazam. Also, ending the movie at we're not friends?
Saw it like 12 days ago and I was dissapointed ...
and BTW , CA : TWS is looking the best cbm of 2014 , TASM 2 trailer 2 wasnt even close to the awesomeness of 2nd trailer of TWS . This is coming from a person who liked TASM a lot ... But I do like the funny scenes in trailer (peter with aunt May)
Yup, I enjoyed it too, the 15 minute short was miles better than IM3, lol. Trevor Slattery> Whoever the real Mandarin isWatched Marvel One Shot : All Hail the King- 8/10 Awesome acting by Ben Kingsley , Good Development on the Trevor Slattery / Mandarin front . Also there is one sweet and funny cameo . Its the best One shot yet ...
I thought it sucked, its the same Thor Dark World thing again, pointless villain who serves no purpose at all, I'm still wondering how could they crap on a villain like DarkseidWatched JL:war last week. It was just OK type..