N00B Troller
Re: ★★★ The Super[HEROES/VILLAINS] Discussion thread ☠☠☠
I still hope Trevor Slattery is the "real" Mandarin ... because I like Sir Ben's portrayal very much .
I dont know how will they move forward this storyline , IM4 looks like a distant dream . Avengers 3 is whole cosmic I believe with Thanos Reigning Supreme
... A2 but I dont know if he will fit with Ultron and they both are villain which deserve their own movies so they both cant come together in same movie IMO . This Shot was what I expected Agents of shield to be , but meh ....
Oh and ..
Yup, I enjoyed it too, the 15 minute short was miles better than IM3, lol. Trevor Slattery> Whoever the real Mandarin is
I thought it sucked, its the same Thor Dark World thing again, pointless villain who serves no purpose at all, I'm still wondering how could they crap on a villain like Darkseid
All my hopes on Son of Batman, more character less dumbass action.
I still hope Trevor Slattery is the "real" Mandarin ... because I like Sir Ben's portrayal very much .
I dont know how will they move forward this storyline , IM4 looks like a distant dream . Avengers 3 is whole cosmic I believe with Thanos Reigning Supreme
Oh and ..
Kiss my Rings , B!tch!!!