Code Wars : High Definitiion :D

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Broken In
Well thats really frustrating to know that there have been so many formats of hd disks coming up that they are confusing the poor customer.:confused:

There are so many formats such as-Bluray HdDVD EVd & smaller japenese &chinese counterparts.:D

they are just hammering the customers pockets of their money.:cry:
they come for about 50000 bucks & each disk costs abt 1500:eek: .(My dad bought one BD;) )

Will this Issue come to an end.:-|

So people please comment on the topic so that we may see a brighter future.
Dont you people have any comments to make??
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Aspiring Novelist
Hook your computer to your television and play any and all formats flawlessly on VLC media player. :)

I do that.


Broken In
Hey dude i am talking of digital formats regarding disks. the one like dvd cd bd hd-dvd evd etc.
Can you understand what i am trying to convey?


Aspiring Novelist
Yeah, I know.

So what are you trying to say? You said it was a pain to keep yourself on top of technology and decide which format will come out as the winner. At least that's what I understood. So, I said you should use VLC Media Player and play any and all formats instead of investing in a player for any specific media. :)


MMO Addict
^^ what i understood is, he is talking about physical media format such as blue ray disc or HDDVD etc not the software part like Divx, xvid, wmv etc. so vlc is not going to help if you don't have the hardware to read the media..


Aspiring Novelist
Yeah, I kind of missed the point. :D

Well, that's the price you pay for going the legal way. ;)

Anyway, I am pretty sure players that can play both formats will come in due time and then you can have the best of both worlds, HD-DVD and Blu Ray.
In fact, doesn't Samsung or some other company already have one such player?


Wise Old Owl
LG has introduced a player which could read HD-DVDs and BD along with older formats like DVD DL, +/-R etc. dun remember the model no.
The player costs bout 20k.


Broken In
Then you would have to wait until mid-2008 or 2009 for that dude.
thats when it will be 3k.
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