i agree with metalheadgautam.
I support english as the national language of this country, this removes any room for conflict as to which language should be the national language.
if you make tamil the national language, lot of ppl will cry foul. Lot of people also don't like the fact that hindi is the national language.
The problem is that our leaders made states on regional lines. that was a blunder.
@appserver: some people prefer to speak in english not "for fashion", but because it gives you confidence. confidence for life. People who have good control over engish are sought after all over india, thats how it is, weather you like it or not.
and dont compare india with germany. germany doesnt have a 100 languages, so they have no problems choosing a national language. they also have windows and all softwares made in their language. But we cant do that. we cannot have a made-for-india -100-language-pack windows.