Canvas 4 ??


Cyborg Agent
^^ you are welcome... :-D

@Michael where are u buddy, long time no see... :p
com'on bring it to me.... yeah.....

Mods rename this thread to Nexus 4 wars & please move it to fight club... lol


Allllright !
What's the fuss about battery, one can get a 5600mAh power bank for under 1k. You can recharge a 2000mAh phone atleast (100%+30%) giving atleast 2 days of battery life on heavy usage.
Keeping the screen brightness below 0%, Clearing the RAM every time you close an app, being paranoid about turning off sync, installing a ton of apps for improving battery performance - just plain stupid IMO!
by "bad" i meant to imply its poor battery in relation to its competitor. I phrased it in short because i thought you all will understand things in concise, as observed earlier, elaborate explanation simply taxes your minds furthermore :D

Sorry i said something disapproving about your baby Nexus 4 :)

and i dont hate the Nexus 4 i pointed that out clearly. I just hate some of its quirks and niggles that made it a dealbreaker for me, and that is why i settled for the Sony Xperia SP instead of Nexus 4. Other than that, its very beautifull

The Nexus 4 is usually out of stock due to shortage of supply,not because of massive sales. If there is a shortage of Nexus 4 douchebags in this forum, its not because they are bad or dont exist, its just that they dont arrive here ..they are mostly hanging out in the Nexus forum with their problems and queries :p (now dont get offended, not pointing to any particular person here k)

Its funny why the Nexus 4 boys still cannot accept the fact that their phone has a weak battery life.
All they can say is "good enough for my usage"...its like a sad loser satisfied with his 4 inch "handgun", saying "its small and tiny so what ? its good enough for me ....cuz i aint gonna find a place to put it in anyways" ;);) Hahaha (again, not pointing to any particular person)
...Hows that for an example, rings a bell now doesnt it??

I dont hate the Nexus 4 i pointed that out clearly. I just hate some of its quirks and niggles that made it a deal-breaker for me, and that is why i settled for the Sony Xperia SP instead of Nexus 4.
Other than that, its every beautiful,gorgeous,powerful and "up-to-date for its time" piece of machinery..but you see, i am not a "small handgun" it simply doesnt work out well for me as much as it does for you N4 boys :D:D:D

Tip to mastercool and RohanM.... be honest and impartial like dan4u ...if you have any more battery argument, refer to him...

^^ you are welcome... :-D

@Michael where are u buddy, long time no see... :p
com'on bring it to me.... yeah.....
ummm, i have a life stuffs to do...i dont stalk around forums day n night like you do bro :D


Cyborg Agent
@ only & only Mr. mikael

Well If u see my sigi I used GS3 for more than 5 months & ya GS3 battery was great but again then it does not mean N4 has too bad battery. Whether u r having small handgun or an asult rifle the goal is to kill & can be achived with both IMO. It's just geeks will choose Rifle for sure.
But Xperia SP having only 1 gig ram is the biggest limitation for me than the battery, battery can be charged so no issue, but what u will do for less 1 gig ram, nothing !!

Ya we both have life bro, but this tapatalk just shout every time & now I always thinks it must be mikael !! lol
I never waited so much for someone's reply not even my gf'
s.. :-D
People can easily manage with 1GB RAM, You had the GS3 and you know very well how manageable it was..
In my opinion, 1 GB RAM vs weak battery i feel the weak battery is a bigger dealbreaker. i am sure most TDF members will agree.
brb, DOTA 2 time..


Cyborg Agent
People can easily manage with 1GB RAM, You had the GS3 and you know very well how manageable it was..
In my opinion, 1 GB RAM vs weak battery i feel the weak battery is a bigger dealbreaker. i am sure most TDF members will agree.
brb, DOTA 2 time..

Naaa gs3 sucks at multitasking... No compromise in ram at all.... 1gb ram and jb 4.1.2 sucks big time.


@ only & only Mr. mikael

Ya we both have life bro, but this tapatalk just shout every time & now I always thinks it must be mikael !! lol
I never waited so much for someone's reply not even my gf'
s.. :-D

Wait Wait. Is this Canvas 4 thread or Dostana 2 thread ? :p
Carry on guys.........

I would just say that, if i had to buy a phone (that's not N4) at 25k, i would prefer S3 over SP (even battery life is better)

And i agree that N4 has poor battery life....... Its just that other features overpower weak battery life, as Rohan suggested (ram one)

@Michael where are u buddy, long time no see... :p
com'on bring it to me.... yeah.....

Mods rename this thread to Nexus 4 wars & please move it to fight club... lol
Yeah that's great


Cyborg Agent
@mikael - Now what u say abt N4?? Does ur xperia sp even got 4.2.2 ?? :D

Last edited:


Ambassador of Buzz
^ Yup. +1 to that.

@mikael_schiffer: Why do you have N4 so much? Have you got anything against LG or Google? Most of the comments you make on N4 are baseless and lack proper info.
I have been using N4 for quite some time, and absolutely love it. I have seen many other satisfied N4 users too.


Ambassador of Buzz
+1 to Nexus 4. I cant afford it rite now but have been playin with friend's nexus 4. Its really wonderful to play with.


Cyborg Agent
@ mikael_schiffer

Android 4.3 improvements detailed in video including big battery boost
Read Here
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