Can't get display working in ubuntu: Help needed!

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Cyborg Agent
Hi.. I am running ubuntu 7.04 (32bit) on the following system;
Intel P4 2.66GHz, 1GB RAM, 945 Mobo, XFX nvidia 8500GT(And this is the problem i guess). Well since only the latest nvidia driver supported my card I downloaded the latest driver from their website and installed it. This i could do since the first time i ran it, it ran the vesa drivers i guess. Then i realised that every time i restarted ubuntu, I had to re-install the nvidia driver(With sh command). Then i gave the gdm start command and it worked fine. Now, since i upgraded the kernel version of ubuntu, this started working.

I just get the command prompt, so tell me these things
1. How to install the very latest nvidia driver through apt-get(even if it's a beta verson)? I tried

apt-get install nvidia-glx

didn't work
2. Just in case i am not able to accomplish the above goal, how can i force it to boot with vesa driver. Tell me the command and all.

Waiting for the reply. Thanks in advance.

PS: If you need the error report to help me in this, tell me the program to be used in command prompt to read the log file. Will gedit work?

somebody help please. Or atleast give me some suggestion of what i should be doing next.
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Cyborg Agent
I can't get the display to work. I just have the command prompt. Can Envy still work? nvidia-glx-new didn't work.


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
Yes, envy works in text mode too! Just install it and type envy -t on the command prompt.


Commander in Chief
Do a wget to get it via CLI

wget *

Then do
sudo dpkg -i envy*.deb
in the same folder as Envy

Next, run, as Kalpik mentioned:

sudo envy -t


Commander in Chief
Its working fine here! Try again maybe you'll get through. Or download it in Windows (Assuming you're posting through it, or any other OS) and copy the file into Linux.


Cyborg Agent
Got the GUI working by editing the xorg.conf file and replacing nvidia with vesa. Then tried the second command and got this :

Unpacking envy (from envy_0.9.5-0ubuntu5_all.deb) ...
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of envy:
envy depends on xserver-xorg-dev; however:
Package xserver-xorg-dev is not installed.
envy depends on module-assistant; however:
Package module-assistant is not installed.
envy depends on fakeroot; however:
Package fakeroot is not installed.
envy depends on dh-make; however:
Package dh-make is not installed.
envy depends on debhelper; however:
Package debhelper is not installed.
envy depends on dpatch; however:
Package dpatch is not installed.
dpkg: error processing envy (--install):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:
saurabh@saurabh-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
envy: Depends: module-assistant but it is not going to be installed
Depends: fakeroot but it is not going to be installed
Depends: dh-make but it is not going to be installed
Depends: debhelper but it is not going to be installed
Depends: dpatch but it is not going to be installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

When i try to install the dependency, it asks for further dependencies.


left this forum longback
^^ I suppose u have default ubuntu feisty(with gdebi installed) and internet working,also use vesa drivers to get a GNOME.inside gnome,browse with nautilus to the directory where envy script is downloaded.then right click on the envy.deb to select "open with gdebi"=this will auto-download and resolves dependencies and thus installs teh script.

btwn doesnt "nv" driver supports 2D gfx with NVIDIA cards? :?


Commander in Chief

Follow that top to bottom. It has a method to fill-up all the dependencies too.


Cyborg Agent
Got the nv drivers to work. nvidia-glx won't work as this is too new a card. Thanks a lot every one especially Qwerty maniac.


18 Till I Die............
That shouldn't really be happening, since nvidia uses unified driver structure.
Also, have a look at latest drivers that have been just released 100.14.09.
I guess they should support your card, if previous versions didn't.


left this forum longback
isnt it possible to use Debian nvidia repo for support(but its not novice friendly as it wants module be compiled in a different way using module-assistant).I am using Debian sid which got nvidia latest drivers too-but in Debian.hope it works for ubuntu too.refer : *
#debian unstable  repository
deb unstable main contrib non-free
as of now the version in sid is Nvidia-100.14.09-1


18 Till I Die............
baccilus. You should get hold of the latest driver. They have specifically added support for your card.
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