can i watch TV on the net??

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In the zone
i woz wondering is there some way i cud get low or high quality live television (that means that same as what is going on in TV) on the net...?? i just watched doordarshan.... at a very low quality but it was in perfect (+2 sec) sync..... it was nice to know the score on the net with some live footage... but it there a way to watch live matches and shows on the computert somehow..... if there is a way to watch the "paid" channels.... please dont tell them... just say that u know em.... please.....


Commander in Chief
is it legal for paid channels to be watched free online ?
does internet tv suopprt it ?
is it legal ?
plz say...

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
The two s/w, I mentioned dont allow paid channels to be watched.
They hv their own channels list and all of them r free channels...


Commander in Chief
thank you !
AM GONNA watch tv atlast after 3 years of tuner problems in phillips
also can u telll wat channels exatly ?

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
There r different-different channels for all types of speed.
I mean some of them work good on dial -up connections but some work only broadband connections.


Journeyman said:
Lol, why, isnt it the same accross all BROADBANDS?

Probably everyone is aware of DataOne on demand video conference facility.
Probably a month ago they told me something like on demand TV service. If it is true, I think it's not just internet TV played by software, it must be different. As I was not interested I didn't wanted to know the details. So, if you are interested ask them about the on demand TV service, if they have already started one.


Just Do It
hcp006sl said:
So, if you are interested ask them about the on demand TV service, if they have already started one.

Nah, Nah. I'd rathr go for the free ones as mentioned above.
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