Can i get a job after 4 years of education gap?

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I would suggest you still work for yourself rather than others.
Like they say in 3 idiots do what you like to do and money will follow.
If you ask any1 they would always tell you the same thing do BCA,MCA diploma,deggree whatever.
But remember one thing you are already behind the race. It will take lot of time for you to catchup.And stupid hr will always ask you why you have so much gap and they would have this stupid no gap and 1 gap policy.

I would suggest you to do what you like start learning app developement and other things that you like and are interested in it.
Once you start learning stuff you would already know how to make money of it. Once you start making money of it you would be easily earning more than what your BE friend would be getting from his regular job.
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