For those who buy ILC solely for the image quality will pick up the smartphone if they are as good. With dual camera, they are simulating the look one could get with fast lens. People will have little more choice.smartphones have the advantage of small compact multipurpose and image can be shared quickly ...donno how compact it can be if it become ILC
After Raja talked about back button focus, I tried BBF before my first shoot and stick with that when shooting at the weddings. Though it was little confusing at the start (after using shutter button AF for a very long time), I still used BBF.
I don't know how much these 11/61/65 AF points are useful for me (for still photography using view finder) or I don't know how to make use of them during shoot. I don't find it comfortable moving focus point when shooting.
I use single point AF, center point. I focus, re-compose and shoot. This is how I have been shooting for years. Other photographers move AF points and shoot. I thought moving AF would be faster and more accurate but when I tried it was time consuming for me esp. with 60+ focus points. Focus and re-composing is faster, I find. Even with 8-way multi controller, I don't find it easy/fast.
How do you guys shooting? Do you guys move AF points to off-center? Can you able to do it quickly?
Yeah, I have been googling and reading/watching about this. I even bump into one argument that why BBF may not be as useful as few years ago. With latest cameras having lot of AF points and with good spread...I haven't spent enough time with cameras that have a large number of autofocus points but from what little I have read you are not supposed to hunt from amongst 65 points. You should choose a group of autofocus points to keep active and only choose from them (I may be wrong about this). If you get used to BBF, changing the autofocus points quickly is not difficult. Thumb on the autofocus points selector button, twirl the wheel, shift thumb to focus button and press, and then recompose if you need to. You can get the hang of it with practise. The shallower your depth of field, the more accurate your focusing needs to be and the more importance you need to pay to selecting the right autofocus point.
That said, I do use centre point focus and recompose in some situations, typically when either light or contrast prevent the other autofocus points from locking.
Enjoy shooting in manual uh!!!And here I'm a manual lens user shooting on full manual most of the time
Still find it hard to get amazing focus on auto
Sony focus peaking is pretty good. Plus over time you get used to seeing what a focused edge looks like (shimmering, slight distortion) so you begin to use that as well.Enjoy shooting in manual uh!!!
That sure would be challenging esp. when you're shooting wide open. I hope Sony's focus peaking would help to a great extent in that regard.
Have been watching/reading about moving focus points. I kinda feel that using just center point focus and recompose would be faster than moving focus points as long as I am shooting still subject/portraits even when shooting wide open. I am not gonna shoot up close to the subject and that recomposing is not gonna throw the focus off (I think). When I am shooting close like tight head shot, I guess that's when I have to use nearest focus point. For that I need to practice moving AF points.
Wow!!! Surprised.But have been able to use it a lot for functions and events
So quickest way to access to some of the key settings is by pressing "i" button and navigate using multi controller to select the settings.No the multi selector is only there to nevigate in the dosnt work as shortcut..thats the reason d7xxx series is popular coz of huge number of buttons
Nac at least in my d3100 it was not possible..thats the reason they say ui of nikon is not good..
I am wrestling with the thoughts of which one I should consider when I am buying.Yup multicontroller cant be customised... D7000 have a custom button and BFF button can be customised a bit..other then this there is a button for everything