Calling all Pune Techies...

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Broken In
tech_cheetah said:
Then there are language classes on german n french.
They also have very interesting classes on personalty developement where they teach eating etiquettes,dressing sense,body language,conversations on phone etc. etc.

Wow! I guess u r in the HR department.... right?
Anyways....... enjoy ur time at TCS.


Let the music play.....
Now those a big replys.

Anyways to start with tech_cheetah, well dood i wish u all the luck with ur training man. If u not in tech field then what field r u in and what did u ge recruited as in TCS. We want to know.

Ablenwill dood give ur MCSE exams man ull get a good job and me too doin same avi did same. As far as machine is concerned I cant help ya much with the configurations coz the configs r gone way outta my reach and I dont visit the bazaar that much. And as far as assembling is I can do that tho:p and dood dont go for branded machine u end up paying for win xp and all that crap softwares they put in ur sys. so assembled is the way to go.


In the zone
Wow! New members joining in...great! Had any meet guys this month ? It's almost 2 weeks in Hyd. and I am having a good time. Work is interesting :)

Anybody bought Avi's iPod ?



I have just completed my engg. in electronics.
I have been recruited as a trainee. After training i will b sent on some project . After going through several projects, they will decide whether to send me to the marketing or keep in technical field.
Personally i m interested in technical field.
I recently made a sudoku game in java.


Broken In
hey amit my ipod is still waiting for confirm customer...

and tech-cheetah - if you are doing java programming then it comes under software / programming category not techinical category....

anyway good for us that one programmer will be with us. many of us are in systems only thats why this is techie group...
but everybody loves games so welcome in the club...


Broken In
You are right Avi regarding system as well as bike and as I mentione earlier I too have Unicorn but Honda dealers **** its really a pain to get the bike serviced There is an 10 to 15 days whating period for getting bike serviced at all famous showroom in pune. Any way thanks for the idea about sys requirement for virtual pc I m getting my pc mostly by Diwali.


Broken In
AMD 2800+ and Asus K8V mobo

Hi All,

I have decided AMD 2800+ and Asus K8V mobo or I should go with the MSI K8MM mobo. OR I should go with P4 2.66 64 bit and Asus P5GLMX mobo. Cost for both are almost same so can anyone help me in taking decision with this configuration also will like to know that onboard vidoe of all this mobo are quite sufficent or not for normal gaming.



Broken In
dont go for p4-64bit as performance is horrible compare to AMD

take at least AMD 3000+ with this msi mobo with great onboard graphics
its a cheap combo.... and good one..

but if you are looking for virtual PC and something i will advice to get Intel p4 with HT.
dont go for prescot core non HT.

guys help him as i dont know much about the budget computers..

config one -

AMD Athlon 64 2800+ (Rs. 5,300)
TUL A480A7-VF Motherboard (Rs. 4,300)
Hynix 512 MB DDR-400 Memory (Rs. 2,100)
Kunhar ATX Cabinet with 300 Watts SMPS (Rs. 1,200)
80 GB 7200 RPM Hitachi Deskstar Hard Disk (Rs. 2,700)
Samsung SyncMaster 793S Monitor (Rs. 5,500)
ATI X300SE Graphics onboard (N.A.)
LiteOn Combo Drive (Rs. 1,900)
Realtek ALC-880 8-channel audio onboard (N.A.)
Artis S500 Stereo Speakers (Rs. 1,300)
Logitech Spill-resistant Standard Keyboard (Rs. 300)
Samsung Optical Mouse (Rs. 350)
LAN Onboard (N.A.)

Total: Rs. 24,950/-

Enjoy value gaming!

Guides PC buying guides
Building a Gaming PC under 35K: Version 03.05
Ameya Dalvi Email Print
Mar 31, 2005

CPU/Motherboard RAM/AGP/HDD Monitor/Optical drive/Sound/Speakers Cabinet/Keyboard/Mouse/Modem/Config

Kunhar ATX Cabinet with 400 Watts SMPS (Rs. 2,200)
A decent looking cabinet with adequate power is all you need for your gaming PC. But it is always good to have that bit of headroom, in this case, those extra Watts of power in reserve. Hence, we chose to go for a 400 Watts SMPS from PowerSafe (three-year warranty) along with a VIP professional cabinet. The total cost would range between Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 2,200 depending on the choice of cabinet.

Logitech Spill-resistant Standard Keyboard (Rs. 300)
A sturdy and ergonomic keyboard is all you need for hours of action gaming. The Logitech spill-resistant keyboard is just that and is also designed to let liquids go through in case of accidental spills.

Mouse: Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical (Rs. 800)
This optical mouse is a gamer's delight. It is extremely light and ergonomic and with its highly sensitive optical sensor, you can bid farewell to tracking off (skipping). Note the name again - Wheel Mouse Optical and not Basic optical mouse. Now head shots are just a click away.

Modem: 56 Kbps Internal Modem (Rs. 400)
If you plan to surf the Internet on a dial-up connection, you will need a modem. So buy one. Else skip it as the motherboard has 10/100 Mbps LAN onboard anyways if you plan to install cable/broadband Internet.

Configurations revisited:

AMD Athlon 64 2800+ (Socket 754) : Rs. 5,200
Gigabyte GA-K8VM800M Motherboard : Rs. 4,000
Transcend 512 MB DDR-400 RAM : Rs. 2,800
Kunhar ATX Cabinet with 400 Watts SMPS : Rs. 2,200
Seagate Barracuda 160 GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive : Rs. 4,000
Samsung SyncMaster 793S Monitor : Rs. 5,700
XFX Geforce FX 5700 LE AGP 256 MB : Rs. 5,700
LG/Lite-On/Sony 52X/32X/52X / 16X Combo Drive : Rs. 2,600
Onboard Realtek ALC655/658 5.1 channel audio : N.A.
Artis S500 Speakers : Rs. 1,300
Logitech Spill-resistant Standard Keyboard : Rs. 300
Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical : Rs. 800
56 Kbps Internal Modem : Rs. 400
LAN : Onboard
Total : Rs. 35,000/-

AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (Socket 939) : Rs. 7,800
MSI RS480-M2 Motherboard : Rs. 6,700
Transcend 2 x 256 MB DDR-400 : Rs. 3,000
Kunhar ATX Cabinet with 400 Watts SMPS : Rs. 2,200
Seagate Barracuda 160 GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive : Rs. 4,000
Samsung SyncMaster 793S Monitor : Rs. 5,700
ATI X300SE PCI Express equivalent onboard : N.A.
LG/Lite-On/Sony 52X/32X/52X / 16X Combo Drive : Rs. 2,600
Onboard Realtek ALC655/658 5.1 channel audio : N.A.
Artis S500 Speakers : Rs. 1,300
Logitech Spill-resistant Standard Keyboard : Rs. 300
Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical : Rs. 800
56 Kbps Internal Modem : Rs. 400
LAN : Onboard
Total : Rs. 34,800/-

Guides PC buying guides
Building a Value PC under 20K: Version 07.05
Ameya Dalvi Email Print
Jul 22, 2005

Page 1 - CPU/Motherboard/RAM Page 2 - Hard Disk/Monitor/Graphics Page 3 - Optical Drive/Sound Card/Speakers Page 4 - Cabinet/Keyboard/Mouse

Kunhar ATX Cabinet with 300 Watts SMPS (Rs 1,100)
A decent looking, well-ventilated cabinet with 300 Watts of power is all you need, to hold your components together. And since we aren't looking at too many power-hungry components, 300 Watts should be adequate power. However, if your peripheral count goes up, change your SMPS to one with more power.

Logitech Spill-resistant Standard Keyboard (Rs 300)
A sturdy and ergonomic keyboard is all you need for those long PC sessions. The Logitech spill-resistant keyboard is just that and is also designed to let liquids go through in case of accidental spills.

Samsung Optical Mouse (Rs 350)
Add a simple, basic optical mouse that works on all non-reflective/transparent surfaces. Do I need to say more?

Also, add an internal modem if your area isn't graced with the so-called broadband Internet. Else skip it. A dying commodity for sure and not one that I would recommend.

Configuration Revisited:

AMD Sempron 2400+ (Rs 3,000)
Foxconn IGPSK7MA-RS Motherboard (Rs 3,000)
Hynix 512 MB DDR-400 Memory (Rs 2,100)
Kunhar ATX Cabinet with 300 Watts SMPS (Rs 1,100)
80 GB 7200 RPM Hitachi Deskstar Hard Disk (Rs 2,600)
Samsung SyncMaster 793S Monitor (Rs 5,700)
GeForce 4 MX AGP onboard (N.A.)
LiteOn 16X DVD ROM or 52X CD Writer (Rs 1,350)
Realtek ALC-650 5.1 channel audio onboard (N.A.)
Altec Lansing AVS-200 Stereo Speakers (Rs 450)
Logitech Spill-resistant Standard Keyboard (Rs 300)
Samsung Optical Mouse (Rs 350)
LAN Onboard (N.A.)

Total: Rs 19,950/-

or check this link - *

but there are old prices so you might get cheaper than this...



Broken In
Hi everyone I have atlast final the deal and have chosen amd 2800+ and msi k8mm mobo wish could have able to purchase 3000+ 939 pin but budget was a hurdle hope this configuration work out perfect or else I m ruin as spend all my saving.


Broken In
Hi everyone I have atlast final the deal and have chosen amd 2800+ and msi k8mm mobo wish could have able to purchase 3000+ 939 pin but budget was a hurdle hope this configuration work out perfect or else I m ruin as have spend all my saving. 24500


Broken In
Whoa :shock:
Looks like i've missed out on a lot of discussion here!
Had three practical exams last week so was a bit busy...
@ablenwill-let us know the entire config and the price for each item....where're you buying the stuff from?


Let the music play.....
Yeah, do let us know. Sagar great to see u back online. Anyways enjoy the new pc ablenwill


Broken In
I have purchased it from Real computers I think AMD is giving great margin to the dealers now a days s this real guys r pushing amd much more any way my experience with AMD will let you know once I use it least for a month. Will let you know full prices once get the bill as they had given me a rough note which I have lost.


Broken In
Help please... I got the system n one thing is sure the onboard graphics sucks will need to go for graphics card and more 256 ram but only after a month. But my present prob is I m unable to install DirectX 9.0C version on my pc presently its DirectX 9.0b I tried installing DirectX 9.0c and it says successfully installed but the version stays old is any prob with the onboard graphics card or this chipset doesnt support the later version pls let me know the solution


Broken In
i too faced same problem while upgrading 9.0b to 9.0c.
i tried web update, and direct x uninstaller and many things but no use..

If you upgrade your PC to winxp SP2 the you will get 9.0c automatically.
if you want to have sp1 then please do fresh installation with any old CD and directly install 9.0c ( from 8.1 to 9.0c no problem)

Prajit - please let us know more about you..
are you from pune?
anyway welcome in pune techie group...


Broken In
Thanks Avi will update to SP2 s there is no harm in it. Sorry for no comma and full stop as I post through my N-Gage using opera as now got my pc will get a bluetooth dongle and will use my phone as modem. Has anyone here tried this does it works? Happy Diwali to everyone in advance Enjoy.... And wish coming years will be of peace and joy... live and let live


I want to buy mp3 player(atleast 256 MB).
yesterday i searched the whole laxmi road, but could not find a decent electronics stuff shop.On MG road there were just two shops.
So there are not many options for me.
Can anybody tell me where to go exactly for getting a decent mp3 player.
I have a budget of 2k-3k. I can manage with local chinese ones (if there is some guarentee, which i cud not find :cry: ) or atleast someone assures me that these chinese ones can be repaired in pune or India.
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