Calling all Insomniacs..


At Hell's Disq
for me Engg is the best.the prob is i've already completed my 8th sem xams and now i'll hafta wait untill L&T Infotech sends me the has become so boring all of a sudden.


NP : Crysis
i've been awake around 70hrs multiple times...always before some or the other exam...and no, i don' feel sleepy while giving the exam


Still in war with allies
all ghosts , vampires , lucifers excel always at night , be it studies , or doing other thing
one ghost is replying to the thread ..... enjoy all night studies with nescafe


The Devil's Advocate
At least commerce sounds like you have fun. It is universally accepted that you have no life if you say that you are doing engineering, people look at you differently.
Blah.. .. This isnt night .. this is just evening .. :p

Real night is at 6:00 AM for me.

and on 27th this month, when I started working on the comp in the night, I worked most of the day with short breaks. I didn't sleep at all, and went to sleep only on 28th night 10:00 PM and woke up yesterday (29th) at 2:00 PM. Tonight, I am planning to sleep again only at 6:00 AM, as the time from then till noon is better spent sleeping, being hardly productive in my house.


Google Bot
Well, I still haven't come to that realisation 2 years after completing it.

Hmmm.. Actually I realized it just after 10th. So i went for the Baap of all - Science. But it didnt quite turn out that way.
Btw batty, did you put that 'Insomniac' in your avatar just recently?? :p
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