Calling all Insomniacs..


Certified Nutz
I saw the documentary Taxi to the Dark Side a little while ago... I'm wondering if sleep deprivation torture will work on me? :?


Google Bot
Is it good ? Its about Iraqi - US torture thingy na? Getting it now.
Goobi, you sure its just water? You sound high :D


Certified Nutz
Yeah. Sleep deprivation was just one of the methods. It was horrible the way they showed it. I wouldn't want to do it to worst enemy.


BSD init pwns System V
Canción del Mariach this song from Desperado Movie rocks.. i want to pump up the volume high this time.. put my dad will kick me out of the home if i do so.. Damn..


Certified Nutz
Damn I'm bored now. Will log off and read a book. (David Baldacci's Absolute Power)

See you guys tomorrow night. Good morning. Wet dreamz.


 Macboy
Not much to say about it. Not really interested in any case. Although I didn't have to install anything cause there wasn't any problem with the PC after all (and I had prepared a speech about the macs!).

Anyway, what's happening today? Khana khaya?


BSD init pwns System V
gr8.. macs.. and what did she say..
nothing special today.. i think that plaster will me removed today.. i hope so.. food was nice last night..


 Macboy
I didn't get to give the Mac speech cause the PC was fine... :|

As for me I'm tripped out over MobileMe! I hope they make the transition soon so I can do some awesome web interfacing!
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