Here u go... the circuit... Since u were concerned with the current drawn from the HDD LED i modefied the ckt a bit.
VR1 - VR1 is a preset available for <10Rs. The view shown is the pic is
top view. It is a variable resistance. Buy one. Connect it using the two pins marked by red dot eitherway. Now before power ON turn the dial on the preset fully to the right with a screw driver. Now power on. If ur LEDS dont glow then start turning the dial to the left slowly and keep turning untill u have max brightness. Stop turning when u have bright enough LEDS. Be Carefull not to turn more if the brightness stops increasing and start turning right now till u see the Brightness start to go down slightly. you are done. Now u are drawing the lowest possible power from the mobo. This circuit is completely safe.
And hey, do some 3-4GB data copy or run degragmenter to keep the HDD LED ON so that u can see the new added ones to light up.
BTW aka means 'also known as'
TIP - For testing u can connect the redwire from the SMPS to the 1K resister insted of the HDD LED+ve wire. After connectiong and adjusting VR1 remove and reconnect the red wire a couple of times to see the LEDs go ON n OFF. But u need to re-adjust VR1 after testing when u connect to HDD LED wire.
janitha said:
The pins of a transistor are not left, right, top etc.
They are Collector, Emittor and Base.
So nice of u to educate me on the matter. And i suppose using ur words a noob can understand better. Very informative!