C++ Compiler for vista Ultimate

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18 Till I Die............
^^ EGGMAN give MEHUL our 50 pages long program and lets see if he understands a single function we hav created.

^^ EGGMAN give MEHUL our 50 pages long program and lets see if he understands a single function we hav created. :mrgreen:

^^ EGGMAN give MEHUL our 50 pages long program and lets see if he understands a single function we hav created. :mrgreen:

Sure please. I am not talking of understanding the program. As, I said, I don't know how much of programming but let's see what is going wrong.


I have Yolks not Brains!
^^There's no need cause in Microsoft C++ its giving 100% correct output. And the error in Dec C++ is logical, cause the output isn't correct. But since in VC++ the output is correct , i really dont think our program is wrong. And theres no use of posting the code, its over 100 pages and even I get confused between 50+ function we've created!!
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18 Till I Die............
^^There's no need cause in Microsoft C++ its giving 100% error. And the error in Dec C++ is logical, cause the output isn't correct. But since in VC++ the output is correct , i really dont think our program is wrong. And theres no use of posting the code, its over 100 pages and even I get confused between 50+ function we've created!!
Still, post it.


and someone mentioned tht dev c++ is a closed project ??!!what does it mean??are developments in the complier complete or is the compiler going to scrap.?:confused:


18 Till I Die............
Not the compiler. gcc is still under active development. It's that the Dev-C++ project has come to a halt. There's a recently release gcc-4.3 beta version for windows under mingw.


Born to rule....
Guys MS VC++ 2008 is too good, works gr8....
It did everything i wanted....
Compiled and executed program. .exe file works gr8 and i also took snapshots of screen. ....

Gr8 software MS VC++ 2008 for Vista....8)


^^ EGGMAN give MEHUL our 50 pages long program and lets see if he understands a single function we hav created.

I'm not mean else I would have said "Ill show you a post button . Lets see if you know how to use it. " Please cut the attitude. Why don't you just upload the so called "50 pages program". If mehulved or someone does understand I'm sure he will be happy to explain it.
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