Bottleneck GPU


Gaming Unlimited
Hi all,

My specs are : Core2Duo 2.53 GHZ, 2 GB 800 DDR2, MSI G31TM-P21 Motherboard.

I am trying to get MSI HD 5770 HawK edition for my PC at 7.5K, but HD 6850 is availabled at 9.7K and gives good edge over HD 5770. I am going to get a 24" Full HD monitor in next 2 week.

Will my proccy bottleneck HD 6850 GPU or HD 5770 ? Which GPU is the perfect balance with the processor ? Also, suggest best VFM monitor at 24" FULL HD monitor.

Please clear some doubts.


Gaming Unlimited
i have ordered Corsair Cx400 from, and Rahul told me it can handle HD 6850 too :)

eagerly waiting for my package.. :))

Is HD 6850 absolutely safe with Corsair CX400 ??

hey dudes, 85 views and only 2 replies ? Come on, i just need information.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
With your current config cx400 can even handle a HD6870 ;-)

BTW, congrats in advance ;-)


A lot of people dont know the answers so maybe thats why.

Also you are asking that question after ordering it already?


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Due to the trend of current games, your dual-core CPU will be a bottleneck, and the stronger the GPU, more will be the bottleneck situations.

Higher resolutions tend to increase load on the GPU, thus making CPU bottleneck less of a possibility, but as I said, today's games.

You could do good upgrading to a SB dual, AMD quad, or just a 2nd hand LGA 775 Quad.
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