Books/Novels Discussion Thread V1: Literary Gems


Violent serenity.
^ya fantasy things sux. Especially something as lame as HP. Hogwarts and witchcraft and what no.... gimmi a break! Its even boring to hear the same thing from every girl. :( I think thats bcoz of Daniel Radcliffe. But lets not go offtopic.


Sith Lord
Staff member
I don't understand the extreme fandom for HP, neither do I understand the extreme hatred from the opposing camp. The books are terribly well written, the plots are well thought of, with a few glaring mistakes and obvious references to LOTR. The series has a few smart tricks up its sleeve, and got a lot of people to take an interest in reading. By modern contemporary standards, it is an excellent work of fiction, showing the world that a lot of money can be made from writing. The death bit was well... done to death, but otherwise it is a pretty interesting read.
Though not the best fantasy series around by a long shot, definately one of the most widely recieved.
^^I need to agree with that now. I have read several books, but I noticed that fantacy series seem to be the most appealing. Mainly because a fantacy world gives the writer a lot of artistic freedom to redefine whats real and whats not. This allows more flexibility in writing and hence the stuff appears quite good to a reader.

Talking about non fantacy, Arvind Adiga's While Tiger is a White Elephant. Nothing remarkably great about it. I read it a few weeks back. Didn't impress me at all.
^^I need to agree with that now. I have read several books, but I noticed that fantacy series seem to be the most appealing. Mainly because a fantacy world gives the writer a lot of artistic freedom to redefine whats real and whats not. This allows more flexibility in writing and hence the stuff appears quite good to a reader.
I have nothing against the Fantasy genre. My first Fantasy book (when I was in 4th,5th standard I think) was the Faraway tree. Then I went into HP though I found it a drag after the 5th book. I stopped reading HP when I got my hands on Artemis Fowl (Eion Colfer) series, Bartimeaus Trilogy (Jonathan Stroud, I must say this series pwns HP hands down) and Eragon.
Now, I've started reading more realistic stuff like Jeffrey Archer and Agatha Christie.


Violent serenity.
Actually, I have read and re-read all seven HP books. I was a BIG fan. Beleive me. Now I hate it from the core of my heart.


Violent serenity.
^^Kinda. All guls going nuts after him. I was and am tired listening about him/Harry Potter in school from guls/ Plus the plot felt a little lame to me. Seems like I dont take fantasy easily. Well leave it now.


Sith Lord
Staff member
I don't remember what my first fantasy book was... most children's books are fantasy stories anyway - every single fairy tale to start off with. But I remember carrying around Five children and It by E. Nesbit and The Trolley to yesterday by John Bellairs. Still read these authors now and then when I get my hands on them.
When my friend circle got hold of HP, it seemed like a typical british fantasy book about a left out boy from a small time who discovers magic - something straight out of an Enid Blyton book - at that time we had no clue about what a rage it would become.
There are a LOT of adult fantasy books out there, the Eternal Champion Series by Michael Moorcock not the least of them. Also check out Twilight. And Tom Holt is to Fantasy what Douglas Adams is to Sci-Fi. He is a must read. These are fantasies that explore alternate themes, using an ensable of different species than the regular.
Unfortunately a lot of modern fantasy seems to follow the template laid out by LOTR - the maps, the dwarves, the elves, the humans and a dark lord. Look at the Icewind Dale Trilogy for example - or the far lesser Eregon quadri. This is unfortunately true for all the fantasy movies and games out there too - Dungeons and Dragons or World of Warcraft.


Ender`s Game by Orson Scott Card<<< really awesome book if you are into sci-fi and even if u r not read it anywayz coz its really good.

Michael Crichton>
Andromeda Strain, Sphere,Congo(the movie sucks...dont ever watch it), Airframe(no movie:().

best thing about Crichton is that most of his books have been made into movies.


Rockin g33k
For sci-fi i suggest you guys look for the Gameworld Triology by Samit Basu.

Its a brillaint work of fiction and better still, its written by an indian. The language and references used are wnough to put the british authors to shame. A gripping piece of literature.


Overlord v2.0
Has anyone read "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" by Agatha Christie? I think it was the best she ever wrote! Almost equal to it is "The Mysterious Affair at Styles"(Same Author). The Miss Marple series lacks enthusiasm and speed when compared to Poirot!

About the Harry Potter books: The story might be lame but it has lots of action! Nice read, overall!


wow.. an Agatha Christie fan. hey man plz recommend some good AG novels u might have read. Will read 'The Murder of Roger Ackroyd' as soon as i get my hands on one.

I have read 'Cards on the Table', 'Parker Pyne investigates' and currently reading 'Death on the Nile'.


King of my own Castle
The White Tiger by Arvind Adiga.
Dont read this just because of the fact that it got Bookers.But read it for the sheer perspective of an Indian person who wants to excel in life and holds no qualms of murdering.
Its not moralist but rather about what fate bestows upon an average person scrapping the bottom of society.

The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
Philosophical fiction about how a man should live on a earth with dignity.The fiction caters as a background as should a plot do but enshews the aspect of heorism in man.

All PG Wodehouse.
Was there a better humorist.

Midnight's children dream. Salman Rushdie
Just awe inspiring sordid tale.Its post-colonial dream narration from altotogether another perspective.

And there are many more....i will be back...


Google Bot
^^I need to agree with that now. I have read several books, but I noticed that fantacy series seem to be the most appealing. Mainly because a fantacy world gives the writer a lot of artistic freedom to redefine whats real and whats not. This allows more flexibility in writing and hence the stuff appears quite good to a reader.

Talking about non fantacy, Arvind Adiga's While Tiger is a White Elephant. Nothing remarkably great about it. I read it a few weeks back. Didn't impress me at all.

Yep. I don't know how it bagged the Booker. I have read better books.


Violent serenity.

It sux but still worx for time pass :|.


Democracy is a myth
"State of Fear" by Michael Crichton 8/10

A very thrilling Sci-fi novel with very informative tone. B/w at some places too much information was placed which seemed to boring.
But all total a good book.
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