Books/Novels Discussion Thread V1: Literary Gems


Sith Lord
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before Tolkein, fantasy was not different from fairy tales, and after Tolkein, that became the de facto kind of fantasy


yup, he basically invented the elves, dwarves, goblins and other mythological creatures, invented the concept of council of races, named legendary swords, and the plot line of good vs evil that we see in almost all RPG/fantasy thingies..


Sith Lord
Staff member
possible that Summer kept Bran alive when he fell, and the same thing could happen to Jon Snow?


Sith Lord
Staff member
Looking closely, Tom saw that the youngster was dipping a rag into a pail of milk - goat's milk, presumably - and then putting the sodden corner of the rag into the baby's mouth. That was ingenious.
-Ken Follett in Pillars of the Earth

Robb rushed into the silence he left. "I will nurse him myself, Father," he promised. "I will soak a towel with warm milk, and give hum suck from that."
-GRRM in A Game of Thrones

Rickon needs you," Robb said sharply. "He's only three, he doesn't understand what's happening. He thinks everyone has deserted him, so he follows me around all day, clutching my leg and crying. I don't know what to do with him."
-GRRM in A Game of Thrones

Every family had lost at least one member: a child, a mother, a husband, a sister. The people wore no badges of mourning but the lines of their faces showed grief as starkly as bare trees show winter. One of the worst hit was six-year-old Jonathan. He moped about the priory close like a lost soul, and eventually Philip realized he was missing Tom, who had, it seemed, spent more time with the boy than anyone had noticed.
-Ken Follett in Pillars of the Earth


The Martian by Andy Weir
Astronaut's attempt of surviving on mars with very little supplies. Contains lots of humorous logs. MUST READ!
I read ~5 chapters. Initially it's a lot about sh!t-science (literally!)

This is by far the best cover I've seen...


Here's trailer of movie adaptation - *
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Manchester United: The Biography: The Complete Story of the World's Greatest Football Club by Jim White — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists

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Sith Lord
Staff member
Cannot rate it fairly just now, maybe after some time. Is there anything like it? Liked the story in the TV series more, must have been fun juggling all that around. The Expanse is actually better in some ways.
But this is very satisfying for theorizing. Would balk at reading it all again... although doing some bits over is fun.


If you liked GOT, you might like the world of Kain series by karl edward wagner

Is no one reading amish's new book... Seems like a fun read so far. However nowhere near what the secret of the nagas was like


Sith Lord
Staff member
If you liked GOT, you might like the world of Kain series by karl edward wagner

ok, will read that next. It's Kane I guess.

Just about done with The World of Ice and Fire. There is a whole section dedicated to Targs in wars on dragons. If that is what you want out of ASOIAF, it's right there. A World of Ice and Fire is to A Song of Ice and Fire what The Silmarillion is to The Tolkein Legendarium. Somewhat.


hey hey dayum, i didnt know about that, gotta download that

Also anorion, try the Iron from Ice, a Game of Thrones tale from Telltale games.. you'll love it


In the zone
So finished the witcher saga by andrej sapowski . And i gotta say i am impressed . I am sad it had to end . It had me hooked . I am now suffering from post witcher depression lol. So was wondering anyone know some similar book series ? I mean not as in having mutated monster hunters but more similar in setting(medieval war torn times) , great characters ,pacing , dark bleak atmosphere sometimes and also some great relationships ala Geralt and ciri etc .I know it might be a too much to ask lol. If you have read the books you will know exactly what i mean . So anyone can point me in the right direction ? I really need to get over my witcher obsession :-D
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Sith Lord
Staff member
it is a labyrinth. there is no way out. Your only hope is to go deeper and deeper and get so lost that you cannot find your way back.

Read Moorcock.


In the zone
Lolol . Yeah heard a lot about michael moorcock . I guess i have to try to move on lol . But its so hard . Its been a while since ive been obsessed like this . Played Witcher 3 and then read the books . I guess i still have something left since i havent played witcher 1 and 2 lol . But anyways books are a different story. Lets see :p
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