Books/Novels Discussion Thread V1: Literary Gems


Ideas are Bulletproof
song of ice and fire is a very good series, you'll like every character and the plot twist. It's one of the best fantasy series out there. It was the first book(series) I read, and I was absolutely mesmerized by it.

You should definitely pick it up.
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Ideas are Bulletproof
Guys I was thinking of starting " Malazan Book of the Fallen" series. Any views on the series?


Get Digit ized
Found this today. Between The Covers - Welcome: 100 Books You Must Read Before You Die (showing 1-22 of 22)


Sith Lord
Staff member
^oh cool read most of this list. This one is a little more modern, but too British. Previous one was too American. We should come up with our own for TDF.


Get Digit ized
^oh cool read most of this list. This one is a little more modern, but too British. Previous one was too American. We should come up with our own for TDF.
That's a great idea ! Maybe an official thread to be created or we can continue on this one !


Back to school!!
I was talking about making up our own best 100 books to read before you die for TDF
I read your post. I'm on mobile and typing is a pain in the @$$. I want to participate.

Ot/ by heavens how the hell do people type on phones.


Cyborg Agent
Guys suggest some recently published (in the last 5-10 years ) sci-fi book please !

heavens how the hell do people type on phones.
Pro tip: If android, use speech to text. For my desi accent it works GOD.


Back to school!!
Book lovers! please suggest some books to be included in above list!!


Brandon Sanderson
Mistborn: The Final Empire
Mistborn: The Well of Ascension
Mistborn: The Hero of Ages

Patrick Rothfuss
The Name of the Wind
The Wise Man's Fear


John Grisham
The Firm
The Runaway Jury

Science Fiction:

Ray Brudberry
Fahrenheight 451

Phillip K Dick
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep


Sith Lord
Staff member
Guys suggest some recently published (in the last 5-10 years ) sci-fi book please !

Pro tip: If android, use speech to text. For my desi accent it works GOD.

Consumed by David Cronenberg - refreshing to read a novel written by a film maker. This is dark and adult, but goes into the nitty-gritty of tech, like why sharing lenses by couples is a bad idea and they are better off getting different brand cameras.
Cibola Burn by James SA Corey - written by the writing assistants of RR Martin, this is like Game of Thrones as a space opera
Turbulence by Samit Basu - Superheroes and mutants in the Indian sub continent. One dude is the internet.
Influx by Daniel Suarez - brilliant, eye on the future, fast paced and action packed with plenty of twists and turns.
Lockstep by Karl Shroeder - young adult fiction, but still well written, this is about an interstellar civilization that manages it by going into synced hibernation. Essentially, humanity experiences the effects of faster than light travel without faster than light travel.
Afterparty by Daryl Gregory - Adult themes, but uses the natural progression of contemporary technology. One plot point is cheap 3d printers. Fun read.
Annihiliation by Jeff VanderMeer - Scary and eerie, similar to the works of HP Lovecraft. This one really gets the atmosphere so well, that you will dread turning the pages.

All except Turbulence were released in the last few months.

will post books for the list soon.

My most recommended titles would be

Being Digital
The coming race
Climbing mount improbable
Tales before Tolkein : The Roots of Modern Fantasy
The Fortress of the Pearl
A fall of moondust
Black Swan Green
The Magic Furnace : The search for the origins of Atoms
The universe next door
The Island of Dr. Moreau
Mafia Queens of Mumbai
The Wildlife of India by EP Gee
The Light of Other Days
The World according to Garp
World Without End
The Man Eating Leopard of Rudraprayag
The Nanotech Chronicles
The City and the Stars
Gold : The Final Science Fiction Collection
The Call of the Wild


Sith Lord
Staff member
bunch of free sci fi and fantasy stuff from one of the most dedicated publishers of speculative fiction
Prose - Original Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Stories |
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