Best Anti Virus Software

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Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Hey guys I need help in using the Avast ! Antivirus Home Edition given in the DIGIT JAN,FEB and Mar-2005 CDs.

Well i can install the software but after the antivirus has been installed and i try to use it then i get a message to Give a VALID regisration code/number of that sort.

Well do we need to have an internet connection to go to the Avast Antivirus site. and register ourselves for this software to run normally?? coz i dont hv an internet connectiona t my home.I surf the internet thru the CYBER CAFE.

Also i cannot use the Latest patch for Avast! antivirus provided along with the CD.

plz help needed guys.........

thanx, chees n peace.....


In the zone
no antivirus software is best until and unless u keep it updated all the time. still i think better one is mcafee professional v 8


ashu888ashu888 said:
Hey guys I need help in using the Avast ! Antivirus Home Edition given in the DIGIT JAN,FEB and Mar-2005 CDs.

Well i can install the software but after the antivirus has been installed and i try to use it then i get a message to Give a VALID regisration code/number of that sort.

Well do we need to have an internet connection to go to the Avast Antivirus site. and register ourselves for this software to run normally?? coz i dont hv an internet connectiona t my home.I surf the internet thru the CYBER CAFE.

Also i cannot use the Latest patch for Avast! antivirus provided along with the CD.

plz help needed guys.........

thanx, chees n peace.....

goto the avast website ....
desktop sonlutions
select avast home edition link
select registration .....
enter the form
giv ur correct e-mail address ...
registration is free for home edition home users ....
they will send to a serial-key to ur email id
copy the serial key on a piece of paper as it is (along with the - and space)
or take it in a floppy
cpoy paste/write the serial key on the avast antivirus where it asks u the serial key ....
and ur avast will b functional


Ambassador of Buzz
East or West McAfee and NAV 05 are the best (Even though they are a bit expensive, and take a lot of resources !!!).


imcool said:
Go 4 Avast 4.6 Home . Free and No problems. Also, install a spyware protecions sot. other than ms.
Why other than MS. It is a good one with RealTime Protection...............


Vikram starsoft said:
I think NORTON 05 is the BEST AV EVER. :lol:
If someone is unable to afford it, i suggest that go for CRACKED one i.e. Pirated.

I'm not basically in FOR for piracy but it is the only way to reduce expences on Software.
:twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:
Antivirus Piracy??
Why use pirated AV when good ones come for free. Try Avast Home Edition which has good enough protection. It has easy-quick updates and great real-time protection.......................


Nopes it is not even a complete AV ... from what I have heard, it is based off mcafee stinger, which is a free product which is not meant to be an antivirus, but rather a on demand virus scanner which can compliment a full fledged anti virus.

It would probably be better to call sify up and get that anti virus disabled, then you can use a good free AV like AVG, Avast or Antivir PE.


Nod32 Rocks.................... It takes Very little system resources and provides very quick updates and very good real-time protection too. It is damn good.
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