Be prepared to amazed by the revolution: Cairo Concept

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Gonna make it BiG
To all the dudes and gurlz out there, I bring this to you straight from *


Let me present you all with Cairo Shell for windows.

With Cairo you can transform your desktop from the dated Windows user-interface to a brand new system that will change the way you use your computer forever. Taking advantage of proven functionality, and with stability and performance in mind, the Cairo Desktop system aims to give users a productive and easy to use shell that advances current technology standards. Welcome to the Revolution.
Cairo is a revolutionary desktop environment for Windows. Our goal is to develop a desktop experience that increases productivity and advances current technology standards. With a focus on stability, performance, and productivity, Cairo is sure to turn a few heads.

Sure it did turn mine, what about yours???

Till now, the've only reached Milestone 1 UI concept stage, but i'm sure this guyz are havin some pretty amazing aces up their sleeves ( what ever that is suppose to mean ;) )

Head Straight to their portal to see what these guys are upto.

Sure i would definitely love to be appreciated for this post, who doesn't ( was meant to be just an expression ;)), but seriously guys, this guys do need a pat on their back.

PS. please don't start a fanboy war over here.


I Always Prefer 1080p
Looks cool
Will check it out definitely.
And thanks for reminding Digitians not to start another flame war :D


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
This is really amazing work .. Vishal and GX should try and join their team :p. the Cairo explorer is inspired by finder in OS X.
Thanks for sharing akuCRACKER


Think Zen.
Inspired by Finder? Heck they completely ripped it IMO.
But anyways, its a good job done.
Who would've thought windows could look nice too :p


Gonna make it BiG
Thanks guys.
But you guys cant try this cool piece of app, yet.
As because it's still in the concept phase, and only the milestone 1 UI has been designed. May be programming has begun, but as of now, it ain't available for public download.


You gave been GXified
The concept looks awesome & it can easily be made in WPF & .net 2005/2008. Most important if they make it for Windows Vista then your guys don't even have to worry about running Explorer.exe in the background. It is a seperate process in Vista & can be replaced compleately with this shell.

The file manager is more like a blend between Finder & Explorer. I hope they include a breadcrumb based address bar like in current explorer.

I really do not understand the use of Coverflow in a file manager.

However, the real thing is quite far. So just wait & watch....


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
ok, not to start laughter here, but what in the name of dennis ritchie is "finder" ?

Finder Wiki
The Finder is the default application program used on the Mac OS and Mac OS X operating systems that is responsible for the overall user-management of files, disks, network volumes and the launching of other applications. As such the Finder acts like the shell on other operating systems, but using a graphical user interface. It was introduced with the very first Macintosh computer, and also existed as part of GS/OS on the Apple IIGS. It underwent a complete rewrite with Apple's switch to a UNIX-based OS in Mac OS X.

The Finder is the first program a user interacts with after booting a Mac (and potentially logging in), and as such it is responsible for the general look and feel of the machine. One should be careful to distinguish this from the actual GUI of the machine, which is really provided by particular services within the operating system (eg, WindowServer). The Finder is just another application, albeit the default one. It can even be closed if the user knows how, although it is difficult to replace completely. One could compare it to Windows Explorer in Microsoft Windows, the Tracker in BeOS, Nautilus in GNOME, and Dolphin or the file management aspect of Konqueror in KDE.


Proud to be Linux
other coool thing is that it is freeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!not FOSS though.first milestone should release within a week.


Gonna make it BiG
yeah, it is really awesome!
And it's gonna have plugins, and all of the plugins are supposed to be passed through them for their approval. So we can expect some pretty decent (dont wanna unse the work awesome again and again, though thats what i would like to use ;) ) stuff.
Btw. they are gonna release a feature list quite soon, so keep checking.
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