Basic Guide Purchase a New System

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^^ Man I have a budget. There are no money trees in my backyard :(
And nowdays 2GB is nothing. Thats why I want to go for 4GBs.
And can you point out some more pros of P5N32E-SLI (Its price too) over XFX 650i?


Google Bot
but that wd be too costly choto.. :p
also @ cyno u can get xfx 650i ultra for now temporarily... 5k isnt much.. atleast u can use it for about 2 yrs then take a p35 based dd3 supporting one...
but if u hav a 60k budget a 650i+8600gt seems less...
cos i m getting both in my 30k budget with 2gb ddr2 667 ram..
the p5n32esli is 680i sli based board... and is more stable at higher OCs than the xfx650i sli... but nothing can beat the VFM ness of the xfx 650i ultra..


The main culprit is GFX card. Given the fact that even the 8800s are not that good for their cost I dont know what the hell can sustain my rig for about 4 years.:(
60K is not for an year or two, its for 4 damn years :(


dx10 games will bring even the 9800GTX to its knees !!
8800GTX will be thrashed badly to death by the DX10 games !!

in highly realistic F1 research simulation and calculations even the super computers are pushed to the extreme !!

i think that's why the rush by nvidia to get a card that can handle dx10 games....well did u read the GFX article in this month magazine ??? read it !! its good !


Rising ApocalypsE
Wise decision would be XFX 650i ultra And go for any 8600 GT.Trust me its a waste of money to buy DDR 3 now, U can go for DDR 3 mobos & RAM after almost 1 year because of the prices which are sky high!


Google Bot
actually its just a joint strategy by the game companies and the gfx card manufacturers...
the game companies keep rolling out ultra high reqt games so that we have to buy the latest gfx card..


Every option is so screwed up that sometimes I think of buying a XBOX 360 but that wont be allowed in college hostel :( and a good gaming rig cannot last as long as the 360 or PS3 would last.

And can anybody tell me about the custom duties if I try to import any decent gfx card/RAM/fans etc in India?
Some members are using imported items, if they can help me then it will be appreciated.


Google Bot
i wd say go wit wat i m goin for right now...
xfx 650i ultra
2*1gb ddr2 667 (make it 4)
and save some cash for future upgrades....
or get a lappy... u ll get a great one in 65k..


but make it 2 Gb 800 Mgz RAM why make a mistake here...when Transcend 1 GB RAM 800 Mhz i got it at 2100 Rs ??? its just 4k !! total.....
ok i dont know if this this transcend ram is good when some one is going to over clock !! if not ask choto abt it


@ pathiks: Your config is fine but I want a quad core :) and 4GB 800MHz RAM.
Rest is fine. I agree with you.:)


Google Bot
@aks i think that if u take a 1333 fsb mobo then u ll defi need (more than 667) 800 ram to give room for ocing the clock speed more than 333mhz... not sure about it though..
@cyno yup then go for a q6600 (g0 stepping..)
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Yes I think I read the same thing somewhere. Dual channel 667 = 1333FSB.
But if I OC the processor then mem will be a bottleneck for the system.
Anyways, Q6600 is 1066FSB.:)


Treatment in progress...
I will be upgrading my rig in a week :D. I have set aside Rs. 30k for the same(max):)

Actually I am confused about the choice of cpu+mobo+ram.

The non variable items are listed below:

1.Seagate 250GB SATA 2/NCQ Barracuda 7200.10 HDD......2.8k

Should i opt for 16MB cache or 8MB one?I havent seen any real performance diff btween both.Plus 16MB variant is not easily available in Kolkata

2.XFX Geforce 8600GT 256 MB(or should i go for leadtek/zebronics/sparkle?).......6.6k

3.Zebronics Antibiotics Cabinet{any other options?}.......1.9k w/o PSU

4.Coolermaster Extreme Power 500W PSU{any others?}......3.3k


I have thought of the following possible CPU+MOBO+RAM combinations:

1.....C2D E4400 + XFX 650i Ultra + 2*1GB DDR 2 800

2.....C2D E6320 + XFX 650i Ultra + 2*1GB DDR 2 667

3.....C2D E6550 + XFX 650i Ultra + 1*1GB DDR 2 667

Which combination should i opt for?:eek: Remember,i must keep the budget within Rs.30k max!

Any other suggestions?

And does the XFX 650i Ultra mobo has issues with 1333 Mhz FSB C2Ds? Does it support the 1333 Mhz C2Ds(here the E6550) out
of the box without any bios updates?

Please reply urgently friends!!


Google Bot
^^ i think its not good to give 11% of ur whole budget to a PSU... rather get a normal 500W for 400 bucks..
and get a e6750 + a xfx 650i ultra.. -13.5k..
xfx 8600 gt - 6.8k
transcend 2*1gb ddr 2 667.. -3600
zebronics antibiotic + 500wpsu -2.4k
250 gb sata 2 7200.10 seagate- 2.8k
samsung 17" crt 4.5k
creative sbs 370 - 1k
reduce it further by getting a normal atx cabby


Treatment in progress...
Actually i only need to get a new cpu+mobo+ram+hdd+grafix i have.

nw comment on the cpu+mobo+ram front.
u havent told weder xfx 650i supports 1333mhz c2d 6550!


zebronic antibiotic is cool cabinet....are u sure it cost 1.9k ???
when i buy a comp...even if not with a good gfx card...i want such a candy looking cabinet !!

pathiks any idea about good looking cabinet....suggest me some Good looking with LED and neons and cheap with in 3k that is say 2k for cabby and 1k for mid range gaming and later OCing

any idea about the cost of bijli zebronics cabinet ?? i will start saving form now !! only for cabinet !!


Treatment in progress...
aks_win said:
zebronic antibiotic is cool cabinet....are u sure it cost 1.9k ???
when i buy a comp...even if not with a good gfx card...i want such a candy looking cabinet !!
any idea about the cost of bijli zebronics cabinet ?? i will start saving form now !! only for cabinet !!

Yeah sure.Dats widout the bundled 400w PSU. Im getting d Coolermaster neway!

bijli,btw,should cost about the same
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