Asus EEE PC Review

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^^ That one is coming but there is also version of the 7" with XP that ll come before the eee 900.
BTW Kumar are you gonna get the 9"er? :)
Yep, it is the one I am waiting for!. The 9inch with linux. Considering that I already have a copy of XP to spare. And now that it seems multi touch would be included.

It is much more desirable.

Only thing is- how long before it comes to India!


Nice review PATHIK and also congrats... Enjoy.. U could've bought compaq pc which costs around 21K. Sorry don't know model.. Saw it in their side.. Just check it out..
Dude you cant compare the eee with any other pc or laptop. Thanks
I am with you there.

while EEE PC can't be callled the people's laptop anymore, its still in a class of its own, just like the way mac users claim their mac to be. No other book, the macbook air, the 20k compaq laptop, the 20k acer laptop and the ACi Ultra Mini included, offer what EEE PC has got - Ultimate Mobility combined with ultimate stability. The perfect thing for executives on the move.


Caballero de Real Madrid
how many execs u think that will use this..the answer is 0....i asked to a local vendor who deals this..he said he sold 12 peices all students..

execs will never use this..poratbility is a issue..byt never eeepc..thers a thing called class..heheheh u cant whip it out in a board room meeting...itll look tacky...but ppl may....i say they wont..they might go for cheap compaq or other alternatives...

for students its a god send...


Beyond Smart
It might not have been that popular in India, but if you look otherwise, its selling like hot cakes..The main issue according to me is the not-so popular and affordable wifi access in our country and people dont understand quality..Its only quantity that Indians can think of..Example: 'Ooohh..its got only 4 GB storage...that sucks' kindof attitude..


Google Bot
Actually it's a very good option IMO.
It's damn good for programming. You can OC the proccy safely to 0.9ghz+ if u need more juice... It is a damn good option for ebook reading.. The portability just rocks..


Beyond Smart
Well, I gave in to the temptation when a guy in a big store here in Frankfurt said that he just got 1 piece in stock..I took it :p
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Beyond Smart
Thanks buddy!! Tried the new Mandriva Spring ? It supposedly has special support for EEE!


Google Bot
No man.. Exams+Crappy net =No RnD on my beloved EEE.
btw do post a review and some pics. Do u hav a black or white one?


Google Bot
Correct. BTW Kumar, how r ur eee 900 plans going. And yea it has 1gb ram,12gb ssd but the same celeron m ulv as the normal eee.


Beyond Smart
I got a white one with a german keyboard layout but thats ok..EEE 900 thats coming out in a couple of months has the same processor as EEE 701, but there will be one more series coming out later this year which will have Intel Atom processors but will have a base price of 599$!

Will post some pics soon :)


I have the moolah with me, let the 900 come to India. I can purchase it if it is below 25 grand and comes with Xandros. I wont buy the one with Windows preinstalled


^^ Because
1. I already have a normal laptop.
2. It weighs 2.2 kg without bag and power brick which makes it a total of 3 KG.
3. The sheer weight makes my shoulder hurt.
4. I dont really require the power of a full fledged laptop as major part of my work involves typing, writing articles for the web.

I am confused between EEE 9000 and the Mileap Y (kohjinsha) becuase of its tablet form factor yet a smaller screen.
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