why don't they make games on Indian revolution ,it would be good to play as Bharat singh
AC protagonist carrying sniper rifle
why don't they make games on Indian revolution ,it would be good to play as Bhagat singh
Please don't mention Bhagat Singh. I am still haunted by the abomination by Mitashi.
Also take a look at this : *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/gamerz/151139-hindi-games-post1564842.html
Maybe that bulb is not very bright
^^ Nope its cool and its a trademark for AC Series. I don't want it changed.
Now that I have played all AC games. I play them mainly because of the story because gameplay is more or less similar specially in last 2 games.
Btw i'm bored with that white dress. They should change it.
Anyways American Revolution rumor seems pretty likely.....
i want change, and that white thing should be unlockable/bonus/extra now.
Don't you feel , assassins from all over world wearing same dress a bit odd.
AC b'hood and revelations feels quite different rather ,ac 2 and ac b'hood feels much more similar. But that s ur opinion . I WONT COMPLAIN
ever tried tailor shop!!!!
and ac revelations featured black dress.!!!remember