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In the zone
Hi Guys,

I am using Windows XP Home Edition (FAT-32 FILE SYSTEM)and Internet Explorer-7.

· I would like to give password to files, folders, icons, etc., but my friend says that any password-protected can be searched and found out easily and definitely by a well-talented person by using Softwares or by any means for the purpose. Is it correct and true? If not agree with these, then what is the completely free Software for secrecy? Name of the FREE Software for the purpose? If I delete any password-protected files, folders, icons and (at the same time reinstall the same) softwares not putting the correct passward, it will accept it or refuse it?

· When I am online, a dialogue Box appears often and says as below:


You are about to leave a secure Internet connection. It will be possible for others to view information you send.

Do you want to continue?

Yes No

How to solve the problem?

· When I shut down my Computer, a dialogue box states that
Connections tray

End Program (not successful).

How to correct it?

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
1)It is possible for a hacker to find passwd of a passwd locked file.But now new file locking software feature stronger encryption(AES,blowfish)which is very difficult to crack.2)The warning u get in IE7 is normal just hit yes.


In the zone
Cool G5 said:
1)It is possible for a hacker to find passwd of a passwd locked file.But now new file locking software feature stronger encryption(AES,blowfish)which is very difficult to crack.2)The warning u get in IE7 is normal just hit yes.


Are both AES and blowfish completely free? I cannot understand the line "The warning u get in IE7 is normal just hit yes. Can you explain it simply?


kumarn_2004 said:
friend says that any password-protected can be searched and found out easily and definitely by a well-talented person by using Softwares or by any means for the purpose. Is it correct and true?
a l33t and determined h4x0r can and will break into any system he/she wants 2

Pentagon's security has often been breached and recently UK was @ d reciving end of such an attack - 2 countries dat have unarguably d largest budget allocation 4 protection against such attacks

now compare ur computer with theirs ;)

but dat does not mean dat u leave ur computer open to any intrusion

if not d Chinese h4x0rs, u can @ least protect ur computer from being broken in2 by ur parents ;)

kumarn_2004 said:
Name of the FREE Software for the purpose? If I delete any password-protected files, folders, icons and (at the same time reinstall the same) softwares not putting the correct passward, it will accept it or refuse it?
if u got NTFS partition, den u can enable d NTFS's own encryption feature

but if u dont den as Cool G5 says use any encryption software that uses AES or Blowfish encryption algo

Some encryption Tools that I had listed some place els on the forum
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Booting Nicotine!!
^^^ best solution slugger

@ kumarn_2004 >

install a firewall... and yeah be sensible by using the internet security level to high if needed... still man there are many ways to break in to system ...yeah there are still many who hows how to fix u up with a tracker.


Commander in Chief
I second entrana, what's it that you're hiding and how important it is to anyone anyway? Just be basic with a proper logical mind and a set of simple tools and you can avoid all threats with ease. If you're aiming to be a l33t then you would never be asking anyone anything.
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