It's very simple man, just go to Create mode, Choose Create-A-Move set, then choose WWE Superstars, and then modify them, believe me, if you rmember every move of your Superstar, you will ALWAYS WIN! another nifty trick is to give as high flying moves as possible, i am not telling to make Brock like Rey but you get the point
for instance here's a Quick loook at my Modded Lesner Move Set. i added the following:
People's DDT
SpineBuster 04
Stunner 06
Spear 03 and 04
450 Pin
Diving Headbutt
Powerbomb 14
Not only is Brocky the best Attributes in the whole roster, with my Modded MS he becomes the Best wrestlers as well! but don't try to mix match moves e.g. rey Mysterio won't be able powerbomb someone so