In the zone

........aaaahhhaaa...How good it feels to listing to those old Memories...Nostalgia

Iii... I dont know how u guys feel about it. :roll:
But it means a lot to me

ctrl_alt_del said:Btw, when one pays for the game, isin't one entitled to get the songs as well? So is EA's encryption of the songs justified?
enoonmai said:Just started playing them via EA trax on one computer while ran an audio cable out to Audacity on another computer in recording mode.
ctrl_alt_del said:Ofcourse if EA pays for these songs, I am sure the cost of procuring these songs too is passed onto us. So if we are paying for the game, aren't we in essence, paying for the songs as well?
ashu888ashu888 said:Hey for me the sound tracks of these games simpe rock---->
FIFA 2005 demo (the song in wich the singer says "OO WAT A GOALL!)