cnukutti said:
So does this mean, I can make any number of copies of RHEL and give it to anybody i like??
Follow this thread. Complete debate on RHEL EULA.
Keep clicking next message from the message viiew.
Particularly this one.
It is illegal if and only if the copy contains software with EULAs and
/ or, incase of RH any of the RH trademarks and logos.
It is not illegal to redistribute gpld software. Irrespective of ANY
contract you may have signed. If the contract restricts your rights as
assigned to you by the GPL, the right of the first party to distribute
is automatically revoked.
First comes GPL. under which all of the RHEL CDs are licenced. Then comes RHEL's EULA, under which Redhat's Anaconda installer, Logos, Manuals, Online Support service, Telephonic Support are licenced to the user.
The GPL is explicit and absolutely clear. The recepient of gpld
software is entitled to his rights as guaranteed by the gpl.
The distributor of gpld software has his licence to distribute
revoked automatically if he abrogates any of these rights. There
is no doubt about this at all. No contract can change this
because if the first party offers you a contract violating the
gpl (as in preventing you from distributing, modifying, creating
derivatives of your copy of the software packages) he
automatically has his licence to distribute revoked, and therfore
he not you is doing something illegal.