Another flaw in IE7, says Secunia.

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Right off the assembly line
IE7's reputation as the "most secure Microsoft browser ever" took another bashing when Danish security company Secunia announced that they had found another potentially nasty flaw in the software. This flaw makes it possible for special characters to be added to the end of the web address so that only a part of the URL is displayed. Malicious bad guys could exploit this flaw to put a fake web address in a pop-up window, thereby tricking people into downloading from what looks like a secure website. This could lead to malware being downloaded and installed which could make the machine part of a botnet army.

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Indian by heart
Noooooo, I clicked the test link in Firefox...and guess what ... even FF has same vulnerability. Try it dude. I am using FF V1.5.0.7

Edit: No , I did not read it well. actually the URL still stays Secunia. :) FF is secure
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I Always Prefer 1080p
No Matter what browsers you use
The exploit always affect only the ones who dont know whats exactly happening behind the browser either IE or FF


In the zone
see it shouldn't harm IE or FF's reputation.
Since IE and FF are the most used browsers and people will try to find a hole in them...

So the only thing which matters is the response time of microsoft and mozilla.
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