Android beats Symbian

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Broken In
Hi everyone,

Android beat symbian :) thats cool!! can say how android is growing very fastly!!

The stats of last quarter says that Andriod based smart phones were sold more that symbian based smart phones..

And Nokia is cmng up with new linux-based OS called as "Meego" .... Wow google!!

For the complete article... PFB the link

Android beats Nokia's Symbian - The Times of India


Bond, Desi Bond!
Re: Android beat Symbian

updated news just in that Canalsys was wrong in calculation and we may need to wait another quarter to see this. disapointed :(


What The.... !!!
Re: Android beat Symbian

Hold your horses
it hasn't happened yet
but it seems to be inevitable
not so fast conclusion guys


Retired Forum Mod
Re: Android beat Symbian

told it before, telling it again. till some good Android handsets are offered below 8k, India will be home to Symbian mainly. cause Nokia 5230 is much better than a Huawei IDEOS which have a very bad battery life & Micromax andro, which even performing good, will loose to Nokia cause of the trust in the latter being more famous.


Debian Gnu/Linux User
Re: Android beat Symbian

Symbian has ugly and poor UI and it is now a dying brand,,


Re: Android beat Symbian

^^ but still it is a smart phone.. cheaper then android .. does all work ..

I like to use android ..but stuck with 5235 as their was no android fone in that range I bought.


Re: Android beat Symbian

^^ but still it is a smart phone.. cheaper then android .. does all work ..

I like to use android ..but stuck with 5235 as their was no android fone in that range I bought.

Go for Acer betouch e110 its currently the cheapest android available(, eventhough its android 1.6.


Retired Forum Mod
Re: Android beat Symbian

Symbian has ugly and poor UI and it is now a dying brand,,

only the techie & the geeks care about usability. the average Indian (elder ones & girls. err, Nokia fans to be precise) just want a nokia how horrible is the keypad, screen or if its buggy like hell.

^^ but still it is a smart phone.. cheaper then android .. does all work ..

a very basic smartphone.

I like to use android ..but stuck with 5235 as their was no android fone in that range I bought.

there will be many Androids in that section but i fear all will look like a toy phone. if looks fail to attract the crowd (looks matter more), Android alone won't be of much use.

Go for Acer betouch e110 its currently the cheapest android available(, eventhough its android 1.6.

click here.


Re: Android beat Symbian

Go for Acer betouch e110 its currently the cheapest android available(, eventhough its android 1.6.

well now if I go for android I will go for samsung galaxy series.. I bought 5235 few months ago@ Rs 8700 .. now I will have to wait a little for my next buy .. but for now If I look ahead I guess I will go samsung galaxy series.. but this is tech world and u never know what will be out then ..


Retired Forum Mod
not worth but those who don't have 12k to spend on a mobile & want to make their life a bit better, they'll go for the sub10k mobiles only.

better comes at a price but worth the 500 bucks.


Right off the assembly line
Three mobile operating systems like Symbian, Android and iOS you start noticing similarities and differences that mark your behavior with each of them. Sometimes, it’s the obvious things, like enjoying the music experience on iOS more.iPod Touch has over 250 apps installed, while Nokia N8 has about 30 and Samsung Galaxy around 40. I clearly have chosen the all-in option when it comes to iOS, but the restrained option for Symbian & Android. iOS beat both operating systems android and symbian.
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