AMD now worth less than it paid for ATI

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die blizzard die! D3?
^^yep,try to make the life of genuine users easy rather than trying to make the life of 'pirates' uneasy cos all the efforts are useless.No matter what they do,there will be always better brains to find a work around.


The Devil's Advocate
goobimama said:
The average pirate doesn't even feel a thing...
that is exactly why im saying that there is no need of so much of a fuss ;) as long as there is something at the software level there is no need to worry as in case of the zune 3x3 or vista for that matter i can easily get amy winehouse's new album; kanye west's new album without any drm crap and drm wont be bothering a lot coz once something starts turning away customers (in this case music lovers from buying music not vista) music companies will start getting their heads together

for some flash back when napster ruled it was brought down what came after limewire - big bands like metallica if im not wrong went against napster and got the flack from the consumers what happened as a result .... napster died giving rise p2p and after that no label did anything coz they feared consumer back lash same way once drm starts pissing off more n more people sales will be affected and then there will always some 1 vieing for the number 1 spot and the ones for drm will have to choose whether keep the crown or move away

so relax .... drm wont do anything at the most some small hiccups but long live pirates ;)
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The Devil's Advocate
goobi ur getting it wrong my friend ... the genuine user wont be affected .... im not advocating drm but the thing drm only restricts re-production; re-recording; ripping of content and doesnt allow drm protected content to be played on non-signed hardware in other words it wont allow u to rip ur stuff or convert it u can use it in its original form on certified hardware so if ur paying for it and using it on proper hardware and not ripping it or recording it then u wont be affected

PS: the drm thing is an interesting read


Wire muncher!
Dude, if chip-level DRM is implemented by AMD (or anyone else), life's gonna be very difficult! I would never wanna run the 'crack/hack' everytime I wanna view my media!!


 Macboy
Doesn't cause the genuine customer troubles? Are you serious? What about the WGA thing. The HDCP thing. The no custom ringtones in iPhone thing. The...well I could go on. But in all these cases, the pirates are almost not affected.


The Devil's Advocate
WGA kill switch - see as i said earlier once customers get affected then companies have little choice ... with sp1 kill switch killed (WGA otherwise is not an issue if ur using genuine windows ;))

iphone ringtones well curse ur el jobso :D

iv been reading about drm now and it seems .... well its taking the topic off-topic .... this is when we move to fight club (i find it better than chit-chat) :p


The media companies say that if they do not implement DRM , they would go out of business. Let us take a simple example! Books. They have been pirated since ages and it was as easy to pirate one as getting it xeroxed or if you had the time and passion you could simply copy it by hand. Book Publishers never implemented anything like DRM yet they are doing great business.

Look at Raj Comics. The company allows the yahoo group to share comics that are more than an year old. I had long since given up comics but when I came to that I grp my love for comics was reborn and now I purchase every single set they release.

Similarly with Moser Baer and TSeries sellng DVDs at affordable prices, I buy the original DVDs too. But I do not use them on the DVD player hoooked to my TV, I rip them to XVid and H.264 and copy the H.264 to my iPod and avi to pen drive which I plug into DVD player and all the people in my family can enjoy (It can support XVid files from pen drive) . In this way I have to use teh disc only once, the disc is safe, the lens is safe and I am happy that I paid for original stuff.

They do not use DRM, nor does Raj Comics do it.

I use them coz they allow me to do what I want with wat I paid for. They Do not bind me in DRM.

But with the coming of HW DRM this is not going to be possible. If AMD plans to implement HW DRM, I would like to see it dead. I would be satisfied with Intel monopoly instead of living in a competitive world locked with DRM where companies tell me wat I do with things that are mine.


But as we know that if one goes out, the other will stop doing anything big, who knows!

Intel did try to bring a stand still once, they might do it again. While not a likely possibility, there still is a possibility;)


A LOTR fan
if they need to reduce piracy . . they need to cut the cost like what moser did . . since their dvds came i stopped buying pirated ones . . now i buy originals and i feel much happy about that company :). i bought 10 dvds yest for 400 and something . if others can implement like this piracy will stop . but if they grow money oriented , then , am afraid piracy will continue .


Most of them except YRF (Yash Raj Films) have done it. YRF still sells DVDs of movie as yucky as Neal and Nikki at around 150 to 200. They are among the only few who have kept the prices artificially high.
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