Hi guys,
I bought a hpdv6700 special edition notebook a week back. I have some queries about it, though they appear long, I tried my best to explain my questions in detail, I request you to answer them -
1) Do I need to charge my laptop for the first time for __ number of hours ??. I charged it initially for a couple of hours, I saw that its 95% charged. Then I unplugged it and started using it, and within 30mins, I saw the charge comedown to 80-85%...is that normal?..For how long will a 6 cell battery give power backup? ..I request you to provide some clear information on battery backup and charging.
2) Hard disk size is 250gb. But I see two drives here named localdisk(C) - 220 GB and HP_RECOVERY- 12 GB. So where is the other 18 GB??...I am sorry if my question is too naive but this is the first time I am using a harddrive of this big size with vista installed on it, so please tell me if that is how it is supposed to be.
3) Out of the 220 GB of Localdisk (C), around 55GB is already filled with vista and HP related stuff. But when I check the individual files, they do not occupy more than 25GB!!..is that because of some hidden files or something that ivent counted while checking???...how much space does vista occupy?..also the HP_RECOVERY drive is almost full. So out of 250 GB is my effective usage only around 170 GB ????.
4) I see a remote control holder kind of a plug point on the right, but I fail to understand how to place the remote properly there, coz when i try putting it inside I am unable to take it out easily. Is it for remote actually or is it for something else??..
Please answer these questions as soon as possible
