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Techtree Reviewer
Shaddap naabzillas! You dare mock the incredible intelligence of the amazing Lord Krazzy? You shall pay for your n00bility. I'll smash you like a couple of protons at the speed of darkness. And I don't even need a large underground doughnut for it. Muhahahahahahaha!!!


Think Zen.
IRC 101 : Never mess with an op. :p

8:20 Gigacore kalpik: hi
8:20 ray|raven g'morning btw , kalpik
8:20 kalpik morning all
8:20 Gigacore kalpik: die
8:20 +++ ChanServ has given op to kalpik
8:20 *** Gigacore was kicked by kalpik (die)
8:21 *** Ghost-r left.
8:21 *** Gigacore joined #think-digit
8:21 Gigacore lol noob
8:21 Gigacore kalpik: dont be a dictator u naab
8:21 Gigacore and dont misuse ur powers
8:21 kalpik Gigacore, not just any noob.. noob with supaaah powaaa
8:21 ray|raven hahaha
8:21 Gigacore thinks kalpik has never seen mod powers before
8:21 Gigacore nerd
8:22 kalpik thinks the same.. that's why he likes to practice
8:22 ray|raven haha
8:22 *** Gigacore was kicked by kalpik (like right now)
8:22 *** Gigacore joined #think-digit
8:23 Gigacore has got great powers too, but not in shitty forums like digit
8:23 kalpik this is not a forum you n00b!!!!!
8:23 Gigacore moderating in digit forum is like rolling over ****
8:23 ray|raven haha
8:23 ray|raven kalpik: this shud be posted in the forums , you want me to?
8:23 Gigacore kalpik: I am talking about both IRC and bloody forum naab
8:23 ray|raven
8:23 kalpik sure!
8:23 Gigacore ray|raven: go ahead
8:23 Gigacore
8:24 kalpik thinks Gigacore is just jealous of him



Gigacore: why safari renders all the fonts boldly ?
adolf_butler: yo
adolf_butler: cause when you go on a safari, you ought to be bold
Gigacore: lol
hullap: hahahaha
Gigacore: =))
aditya adolf_butler
Gigacore: that was good one



Techtree Reviewer
Safari for Windows has this Font smoothening feature which makes font look all smooth and sexy. This is a good feature since fonts in Windows can look pretty crappy otherwise. I wish other browsers like Firefox, etc. incorporate this feature as well, instead of stuff like Private browsing which isn't used much.


for me, all those bold fonts is a pain! I love thew way Opera and FF renders fonts in windows with clear type turned on.. they look elegant!


* Teh Flirt King *
Agreed with Krazzy. Safari renders pages beautifully. But its not worth switching to it. But thats a welcome feature.


Techtree Reviewer
for me, all those bold fonts is a pain! I love thew way Opera and FF renders fonts in windows with clear type turned on.. they look elegant!

Do you have a CRT monitor?

Safari's fonts may look annoying at first. But use it for a while and you get so used to the smooth font that anything else looks like crap.
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