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:::suffering from acute depression:::
Guys...i think my HDD has decided to give up on me
i have 2 160 HDDs, one PATA n the other SATA, i had most of my movies on it. and i have even forgotten on wich HDD i had the OS installed. it wont even boot.
Anyway i can get my stuff back???
I have forgotten the exact error messages i was getting. What are the messages that we get when HDD crashes. I was getting a file or directory structure corrupt or something.
@Kaustav...ur HDD's fine boss, altho i havnt done anything to the partitions.
Guys...i think my HDD has decided to give up on me
I have forgotten the exact error messages i was getting. What are the messages that we get when HDD crashes. I was getting a file or directory structure corrupt or something.
@Kaustav...ur HDD's fine boss, altho i havnt done anything to the partitions.