Advice needed for gaming rig under 50K or Xbox360+LCD Monitor


The cake is a lie!!!
1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you going to run? (Stupid answers like 'gaming' or 'office work' will not work. Be exact. Which games? Which applications? Avoid the word 'et cetera.')
Primarily for Gaming - recent FPS titles like BF3/MW4/MaxPayne3/Crysis2/Skyrim/NFS

2. What is your overall budget? If you can extend a bit for a more balanced configuration, then mention this too.
My budget is 50K, however if required it can be extended another 10K.

3. Planning to overclock?

4. Which Operating System are you planning to use?
Win7 64bit

5. How much hard drive space is needed?
500GB or more as I already have an external HDD of 1TB.

6. Do you want to buy a monitor? If yes, please mention which screen size and resolution do you want. If you already have a monitor and want to reuse it, again mention the size and resolution of monitor you have.
Yes, 22" or better, 1920x1280

7. Which components you DON'T want to buy or which components you already have and plan on reusing?

8. When are you planning to buy the system?
Within a month.

9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
Nope. I can give it a try.

10. Where do you live? Are you buying locally? Are you open to buying stuff from online shops if you don't get locally?
Hyderabad, I would prefer buying from local shops (the PC is going to be under company financed, hence need the bills/quotes)

11. Anything else which you would like to say?
Since my primary requirement is gaming, should I go for a PC or get an Xbox360 to be paired with a 24" LCD monitor. ( I stay alone in a flat and buying an LED TV isn't feasible for me.) Though I know that a PC offers a more versatile usage and has caters to diverse games, I really want to play the upcoming Halo 4 as well as the older titles, hence the dilemma. I would appreciate your inputs regarding this as well :)



Steam High Templar
xbox 360 + 32" or larger Full HDTV makes sense
xbox 360 + 22" monitor nnnaaaww......................thats bullsh!t you're better off with a pc
you see,the main reason to buy a console is to play games on the big screen,sitting your ass comfortably on the couch with a controller in hand
Get a PC
  • you love FPS games,pc is the king of FPSes
  • you have a generous budget

another thing
a 32" LCD Full hdtv + xbox 360 will also come for 50k(aprox.)


if u wanna play xbox only titles like halo then go for xbox otherwise PC FTW since xbox having very outdated Hardware

Utkarsh Sharma

Many games on PC look better than consoles. And buying any console at this time is idiotic as new hardware is being developed and
manufacturers are eager to make games for it and it is possible that they won't be compatible with the older hardware. So, if you are too eager to buy a console, I would recommend you to wait otherwise PC is the best buy for gaming right now.

Intel Core i5 3450: 12k
Gigabyte B75M-D3H: 4.5k
GSkill RipjawsX 4GB 1600MHz: 1.5k
BenQ G2420HD: 10k
WD Caviar Blue 500GB: 3.8k
Gigabyte Radeon HD 7870 2GB OC: 22k
Cooler Master Elite 311: 2.2k
Corsair CX500V2: 3.3k
ASUS 24x DVD writer: 1k
Cooler Master Hyper TX3: 1.4k
Total: 61.7k
This config will be the best for your budget. You are going to buy the PC in a month. So in a month the NVIDIA's GTX 660Ti will be out which will be the same price as that of the HD 7870 but its perfomance will be similar to GTX 670. So, if you can wait, then wait.


Ambassador of Buzz
+1 to utkarsh. That rig will serve your very well. As for console, the games for consoles are ridiculously priced in India. So the PC at present seems to be the better choice. For example Max Payne 3 for xbox 360 is priced around 2250 while for PC its 900. I will also recommend to wait for 660Ti and see how it compares to 7870.


Why So Serious ???
I also would advice to wait for next gen consoles to come in if you can. PC gaming is always expensive. I use XBOX360 and my PC as well for gaming. I use PC for games like BF3, Crysis2, Skyrim,etc and XBOX for Batman series, Forza series, etc. Main difference between PC and XBOX360 gaming is that you can mod your PC games..which you can not for XBOX360.
But if you use xbox360 you are guaranteed that the games which would be released on XBOX360 platform will run on yours flawlessely since developers have to adhere to certain restrictions while developing and have a single platform in mind where as while developing games for PC, they think about a lot of platforms like processors, graphics cards, RAM etc.
So if you are not thinking of upgrading your PC for next say 5 years then wait for a year and see what next versions of xbox and Playstation will offer... and if you are ready to keep on upgrading your PC so that all the latest games will run on your rig (i.e. spend some extra money every couple of years) then go for PC. Argument here can be the amount of money you spend on upgrading PC over the 2 years would be same amount of money you would spend on buying games for XBOX360 since as rightly said by Rohit, the prices for newly released games is always beyond 2k mark in India.

Another thing I would point to you is that in 90% of the cases where a games target systems were consoles and then the developers ported them to PC... these games would always have some bugs or performance problems. e.g. Skyrim, GTA IV, Max Payne 3 (although people claim that MP3 looks beutiful on PC than XBOX360 but I have both of them in my hand and I can say that MP3 on PC is very buggy and gives very low FPS sometimes.)

Having said that... I love both.. my PC and XBOX360 ... We compare them with each other since we see price factor as main reason to go for either of them.

Hope this helps you in deciding which one to go for..... or buy both :)


Gaming on PC depends upon how strong the hardware you have. And there is always room for upgrade in PC. and apart from gaming, high end system is also required for lag free net surfing, multimedia task, image processing task, 1080p content. Who knows when we need any of the listed task to perform so I would suggest you to go for PC rather then consoles.
Here what I suggest you :

Intel Core i5 3450 ~12000/-
Asrock Z77 Pro4 ~ 9000/-
G.Skill RIPJAWS 4GB x2 ~3500/-
AMD HD 7850 2GB ~16500/-
Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 1TB ~5000/-
optical drive ~1000/-
NZXT Gamma ~2400/-
Seasonic S12II 520W ~3800/-
LOGITECH K200 keyboard ~450/-
LOGITECH G400 ~1600/-


Ambassador of Buzz
I don't think he needs Z77 chipset for a locked processor. Better to go for cheaper but decent solutions like the one suggested by Utkarsh and spend the saved money on going for 7870 or 660Ti when its released. He isn't planning to overclock his CPU anyway so z77 will be a waste for him.


True then I would suggest him to go for i5 2500 sandy bridge cpu and invest on gpu and psu

PS : @rohit32407 you seems like IMBA gamer.. whts your steam ID ?


In the zone
you should go for this-
i5 2400- 11.8k
gigabyte -z77p-d3-9.1k
4x2 gb corsair xms3 - 2.8k
cooler master elite 430-2.5k
seagate barracuda 1tb-5.1k
corsair cx 500-3.5k
hd 7850 (sapphire)- 18.5k
total-rs 53300


The cake is a lie!!!
Thanks for the replies guys, really appreciate it. :)
I will wait for the 660Ti launch and get a PC accordingly. Will get a console later, perhaps next year. :D


Ambassador of Buzz
@Panwala I still don't understand why he should go for a z77 board with a locked processor? Why not a decent b75 chipset rather than a z77 board which essentially is a overclocking board?


In the zone
he should get the best in his budget
besides sli/crossfire is a good option these day ;)
also most of those (cheapo) b75 mobos have only 1 sata3 and 1 (or2) backpanel usb3
these z77 boards natively have frontpanel usb3 and 4>sata3 ports


Ambassador of Buzz
I agree that he should get the best in his budget but IMO he should invest his money on a high end GPU rather than spending more on a motherboard whose features he can't utilise. If he goes for a 660Ti or a 7870 then i don't think he will need a gpu for another 1-2 years(or maybe more). If he does want to SLi or crossfire in the future then he should go with a z77 chipset otherwise a b75 will do the job satisfactorily. As far as sata3 is concerned only utility of sata 3 port is for SSDs that too not for all of them. For SSDs most of the b75 chipset have either 1 or 2 sata3 ports. HDDs don't even come close to utilising even sata 2. If he wants to go for a z77 chipset then I would advise him to spend 1-1.5k more and go for a unlocked processor otherwise stay with b75 as mentioned by utkarsh and spend rest of the money on the GPU. Just my personal opinion.


In the zone
but the i5 2500k would not enable him to use pcie3(not that any card uses it) but its good to be futureproof!
the i5 3450 @ 12.1 k would be more suitable for him
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