90% of Indians are fools: Justice Katju

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Super Moderator
Staff member
I wonder how Justice Katju managed to meet a billion people to come to that conclusion.

However we can come to an easy conclusion that he himself is in the 90% of the people to have made such a foolish statement.

But by virtue of the above statement, even we are believing the 90% statistic and hence making a fool of ourselves.

In short, this is a trap. Don't fall for it.

Anna Hazare is just another human like the rest of us. Stop trolling him.

Easy to criticise, difficult to follow.

Wise not to follow fools. ;)


Cyborg Agent
i work at a MNC (people around here are most of them holding a masters degree) & i see all type of superstition among them.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Yep watching a cat fight a mongoose is waay more interesing than watching a couple of ministers drool/sleep... How does that make us fools? Hopefully this was not a judgement, in which case each of us is legally bound to behave like 90% fools now


Sith Lord
Staff member
^omg its Crimemaster Gogo from Andaz Apna Apna
&& I remember this cricket, bollywood and astrology - sans the 90% are stupid from a report a few months ago, wonder why that bit is not in quotes in the article and where it came from
if theres a tv program that has celebs fortunetelling about cricket, that about how far tv can go acc to Katju so he needs to catch some India TV
needs moar memes
edit: Oh he's the head of the press council of India, didnt say it in the capacity of Judge of Supereme court, that makes a lot more sense now


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
He does have a point. Indians, are being treated like nothing more than cattle. They will do whatever they are told and believe whatever is put before them. Narrow minded and slack attitude prevails probably due to lack of education.


He does have a point. Indians, are being treated like nothing more than cattle. They will do whatever they are told and believe whatever is put before them. Narrow minded and slack attitude prevails probably due to lack of education.

+1 :wink:

Is Anna Hazare not making fool of himself ? What more we can expect from an ex-army truck driver :grin: :grin:


Super Moderator
Staff member
He does have a point. Indians, are being treated like nothing more than cattle. They will do whatever they are told and believe whatever is put before them. Narrow minded and slack attitude prevails probably due to lack of education.

He said truth that "Most of the Indian vote on the basis of Casteism by having a belief that a person from their caste will only solve his problem and no one other can.This thing is because of only one thing i.e. illiteracy ,the politicians take profit of that thing and put fear in people's mind.That is really a very bad thing.

Don't blame lack of education as the root of all evils, the education we get is a piece of paper which helps us to earn a livelihood. Majority of the marriages start by looking for bride/groom within the caste, and yes these include so called educated persons too. Casteism, superstitions etc. doesn't necessarily correlate to education in our country, sad but true.

i work at a MNC (people around here are most of them holding a masters degree) & i see all type of superstition among them.

Already answered, education doesn't teach us to get rid of our superstitions, wrong/bad customs etc.
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every news in random section comes to more or less the same conclusion and later goes to an offtopic point of which only god knows how it came up:razz:


Don't blame lack of education as the root of all evils, the education we get is a piece of paper which helps us to earn a livelihood. Majority of the marriages start by looking for bride/groom within the caste, and yes these include so called educated persons too. Casteism, superstitions etc. doesn't necessarily correlate to education in our country, sad but true.

Already answered, education doesn't necessarily teach us to get rid of our superstitions, wrong/bad customs etc.

People in country like American also believes in superstition, it is true that education alone is not responsible for this.

But we need to define "EDUCATION" and "EDUCATED" in the context of India. Merely if a person knows to write in English, talk in English doesn't makes him/her "EDUCATED" .

It is the civic sense, manners, etc which makes a person "EDUCATED" IMHO. and we do know how much indians have civic sense and manners.


Sith Lord
Staff member
yeah people are superstitious everywhere, not just illiterate people, take chain letters as an example, and superstitions exist even in virtual worlds and gaems
also DD is refreshing to watch, its TV without the glamour - has the same serials crime drama called Action Force (for CID) and Yahan Ke Hum Sikandar (youth-friends type story) - so the basic TV, donno how prevalent DD is but most of the ads are geared for farmers... that is still far more clean Katju might see as a general over-all trend in press and television around the world, and here- its a matter of perception some say the tabloids have degraded enough, but that's the whole point of tabloids so they could def get juicier


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Don't blame lack of education as the root of all evils, the education we get is a piece of paper which helps us to earn a livelihood. Majority of the marriages start by looking for bride/groom within the caste, and yes these include so called educated persons too. Casteism, superstitions etc. doesn't necessarily correlate to education in our country, sad but true.

Already answered, education doesn't teach us to get rid of our superstitions, wrong/bad customs etc.

Educated does not just mean able to write your name or being able to sign. Educated means development of broad minded attitude. Of course we could blame the education system to be a piece of garbage here, but that's not wholly the systems fault. If you sort out the stuff that matters, you could inculcate values that matter and which give a broader outlook on life.

But, sadly, it part of the people's psyche that education is just another stepping stone to earning a living. So, people just want to get it over with ASAP and absorb little or nothing on their journey. It is, therefore, natural that people might be educated, but no one questions norms, no one questions authority. No one knows how the system works and therefore trust others, who, they think, knows stuff better than them and end up doing their bidding. So, people are educated only on paper (Certificates/Degrees) and not in mind.

yeah people are superstitious everywhere, not just illiterate people, take chain letters as an example, and superstitions exist even in virtual worlds and gaems
also DD is refreshing to watch, its TV without the glamour - has the same serials crime drama called Action Force (for CID) and Yahan Ke Hum Sikandar (youth-friends type story) - so the basic TV, donno how prevalent DD is but most of the ads are geared for farmers... that is still far more clean Katju might see as a general over-all trend in press and television around the world, and here- its a matter of perception some say the tabloids have degraded enough, but that's the whole point of tabloids so they could def get juicier

Like I said, their lack of knowledge and lack of insight is quite evident here. What baffles me is why people do not use their brains and see through the trickery and hoax? This shows the extent to which a person mind works. It only works till a certain extent, but no one cares to think beyond what they see. I am fed up of pointing out to people that what they share is pure hoax. Forwarding religious chain mails is something I compare to perversion of religion. What saddens me is that there are people who originate such garbage in order to fool people for the lulz.

I therefore say that not 90 but 99% Indians are foolish.

PS: I have many friends who are foreigners on FB as well, I've never seen them share such stuff on FB


Cyborg Agent
How many of you here go for arranged marriage?Based on what criteria to do you select girl?

beauty ,character ,money and caste of course.

Caste is not stupidity .but a key to identify people following same culture and to avoid disputes in family.Used as identity in name.If you are from forward caste - and will your parents agree to marry a girl from backward caste ?. Will you be happy if you marry against parent happiness

Blame it on our ancestor who created this divide not present generation.


Conversation Architect
This situation arises due to selfishness of we people only "uska jo hona hai ho jayi mayra kiya jata hai" attitude.

Till now people are giving votes in urban areas to those politician who provide meat and alcohol and they are quiet satisfied with that.

Even in IT industry like TCS,CGI,wipro mostly indian companies are doing interviews every sat,sun of ever month only to show gov that they are hiring but in reality they don't select anybody.Another example is you are giving interview and your performance is good but these people will reject you because interviewer is from different state and you are from different state.So this is happening where people are IITians,NIItians,graduate and m.tech guys.sorry for off topic but this happens in reality.

I feel we can overcome this problem when we think about our country god knows how much time it will take.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
How many of you here go for arranged marriage?Based on what criteria to do you select girl?

beauty ,character ,money and caste of course.

Caste is not stupidity .but a key to identify people following same culture and to avoid disputes in family.Used as identity in name.If you are from forward caste - and will your parents agree to marry a girl from backward caste ?. Will you be happy if you marry against parent happiness

Blame it on our ancestor who created this divide not present generation.

Caste is an obsolete institution, still prevalent for political reasons. There are many of my cousins who have married inter-caste (hell, even inter-religious). So, If our ancestors sowed the seeds of castism, it is our generations responsibility to root is out.
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