4 How Much Can I sell off My Machine?

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Ambassador of Buzz
Well, I plan to buy a brand new machine [esp. 4 gaming]
Presently I hv
1. LG Studioworks 15"Monitor
2. Seagate 40 GB HDD
3. Intel 815e MotherBoard from Mercury
4. 256 MB SD RAM [133Mhz]
5. Intel 1.0 GHz Celeron Proc.
6. GeForce 4 MX 440 64 MB DDR RAM [From Smedia]
7. LG 52x CD ROM
8. Samsung 40x-12x-40x Cd-rewriter[sw-240B]
9. Standard Keyboard and Mouse
10. Frontech Tower Cabinet
SO 4 how much can I sell of the machine?
Presently I also hv [along with above]
New Seagate 80GB Barracudda
New Liteon 16x DVD-ROm

And I plan on keeping them


Cyborg Agent
Not more than 10 K...thats all u can expect for the system.
Next system do not go for the Samsung CD writers. They screwed my system big time. Wont write beyond 24X now :(


Cyborg Agent
In my experience, it's not just the writers. Almost every Samsung CD-ROM drive I've seen develops some mechanical problem after a few months. So I wouldn't touch them with a proverbial ten-foot pole. To be fair, I don't know if recent models have shown any improvement.
Athlon XP 2600+ on a Krypton C18G-400
512MB 120GB Seagate Barracuda
GF FX5700 Liteon CD-ROM drive Liteon CD-R/W
Pinnacle Pro TV tuner
iBox cabinet w modified PSU
Samsung 793MB monitor
--- for now. I change computers every month :)


Broken In
you try to sell for atleast 16000 bucks. this is easy lots of people will buy it . Its a perfectly usable configuration that can run all the apps .

I have had good luck with sellingtwo old pcs on bazee, and i always got more than expected to get.


nope for 16K noone will buy it. You get much better Athlon xp system for 16K.
Its worth 10K at the Max. No value for such dated hardware. And that too celeron.


Broken In
well i calculated like this:
LG Studioworks 15"Monitor Rs 2000
2. Seagate 40 GB HDD Rs. 1500
3. Intel 815e MotherBoard from Mercury rs 1000
4. 256 MB SD RAM [133Mhz] rs 1500
5. Intel 1.0 GHz Celeron Proc. rs 1000
6. GeForce 4 MX 440 64 MB DDR RAM [From Smedia] rs 1500
7. LG 52x CD ROM rs 500
8. Samsung 40x-12x-40x Cd-rewriter[sw-240B] rs 1000
9. Standard Keyboard and Mouse rs 400
10. Frontech Tower Cabinet rs 800

add up and you get 11200

but then if one were to buy all this new, then it would be much more.
Surprisingly as i found out, second hand pcs do fetch quite a good price for some people.


Cyborg Agent
oldmonk said:
well i calculated like this:
LG Studioworks 15"Monitor Rs 2000
2. Seagate 40 GB HDD Rs. 1500
3. Intel 815e MotherBoard from Mercury rs 1000
4. 256 MB SD RAM [133Mhz] rs 1500
5. Intel 1.0 GHz Celeron Proc. rs 1000
6. GeForce 4 MX 440 64 MB DDR RAM [From Smedia] rs 1500
7. LG 52x CD ROM rs 500
8. Samsung 40x-12x-40x Cd-rewriter[sw-240B] rs 1000
9. Standard Keyboard and Mouse rs 400
10. Frontech Tower Cabinet rs 800

add up and you get 11200

The system is pretty old and you wont get 1500 bucks for an old HDD can expect max 1000 so thats 500 of ur budget.

Samsung CD writers are pathetic. And new writers are available for 1500 bucks for an old one around you can expect aron 600-700 bucks esp since those things wont have any warranty. so thats another 300 off.

Dude a brand new Geforce MX440 with 128 MB RAM comes at 2K! I just gave in my card which is the same as above and it just went for 700 bucks! thats all you can expect for that card man! 800 bucks off.

Brand new cabinets which support the latest mobo's with atleast 350 watts SMPS comes for 1200 bucks....that cabinet has no resale value...so it will go for 500 bucks max....

All in all 10K is the max you can expect for the system.


I think 10K is fare and actiually a very good price.
I bought P3 933 Mhz system for 9K and using it as a file server. Its better than his system exception i did not buy any speakers and modem.


Broken In
ok besides having braindead people at bazee consider what a system with all new parts will cost.

What i am saying is that add up the cost of the system with all new components like this and what do you get? maybe 20K???

So what does a guy do who doesn;t have 16K but wants a pc with a cdwriter and all the other stuff like speakers and modem???

lol...I think the guy should be given a realistic price not what he can con people out of

whats the con here?????

About hdds, where do you get a used 40 gb seagate for 1000 bucks??? i haven't seen one yet. Try if you can , you cant get it.

And remember that when you trade in something like you did with your old geforece 4, you always get less money from the dealer than from the end user. Do you think that the dealer will sell the card to an enduser at 800 bucks???? no way.

Where do you get a secondhand cabinet for 500 bucks? have you ever tried to buy one.?????? and whats this support for the latest mobos buisness??? he can get a new 400 W power supply for 600 bucks and as far as i know, most latest mobos are ATX which fit in any ATX cabinet.

And have you checked the prices of sdram these days??? they are costlier than ddr333 or even 400.

Well anyway its not my pc.

And you get what the market thinks its worth. so Thor dude put it on bazee for 12K and see waht you get.

Keep us informed.(Curoisity!!!!!!)


Cyborg Agent
mate..ur keep harping on a new system. The actual fact is its not a new system. New system comes with warranty (CPU for 3 years mobo for 2 years RAM and other components for a year ) and the lats updates interms of BIOS and other features. So most of the components are without warranty. And as the system is older most likely they will start giving problems. Main thing is support isnt gonna exist for such a system like this from the components manufacturer let alone a dealer. If he's gonna buy a new system no end user is gonna buy this. Its mostly gonna be a dealer. I should know since I have been assembling systems for years together now. Typically dealers ship off these systems to computer training institutes where minimum configuration is enuff to run for training purposes. And dude the guy wants to sell his system and buy a new one. That itself is push enuff for the dealer or hes gonna wait till he sells it to some end user and then buy his new system ???? dont think so.


Ambassador of Buzz
Thanx 4 all ur Support.
My Samsung CD-ReWriter is 2 yr Old and till date it is free of any problem.
Hmm, wil try to sell it in baazee.
Thanks again.


In the zone
i agree with icecoolz

if the above config is bought a new piece it would max cost 20k so the valuation gien by oldmonk far from being correct.
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