Dear experts,
well, i have got some error in my win xp which i am using in my Laptop. i am to format and reinstall win xp. but i am in a big trouble that,
as i am using the firefox as the browser in the bookmark there my life(ha haa). how can i save the contents from Bookmark and to re...
dear experts,
i am really in trouble with my laptop. that, my 250gb is almost full with my most wanted contents. last week, i think, due to any of the virus attack, i have got trouble with my nero. that it shoes only the Image drive.but the dvd drive is perfect where i can play and open cds...
I was surfing thinkdigit then i got an alert from KIS 2010
wscript.exe is it to blame? in software trouble shooting section contains a virus, screen shot below
recently i had installed pc tools fire wall later on when i had some trouble with it i uninstalled the same now the problem is the no other program is connecting to the net except for firefox(browser) which was allowed by the pctools fire wall
how to solve the problem pl help
Hey guys does anyone of you know any device for checking haemoglobin at home? My mother's haemoglobin level is always low and hence she needs frequesnt check-ups. I was wondering if there is any device that can be used to check the same at home itself which would save the trouble of going to...
Well I today installed Vista Ultimate 64-bit and is lookin OK, not as fast and crisp as XP but will do the job. Just want to know the following:
Where's my Aero? How to turn it ON?
Where's my DirectX 10? How to get it?
Will using 32-bit apps on a 64-bit OS gonna cause any trouble? I'm trying...
lately my system has become kinda slow and when I opened the Task Manager, the culprit was ashServ.exe Knew it as soon as saw it that it was Avast's main service but why the heck 30-45% of Processor usage at any given time? Moreover sometimes the the TeaTimer(Spybot S&D) too starts taking up...
Hi guys,
My PC shows occassional troubles but the frequency of the problems is
a)Either it doesn't care to bootin
b)it restarts soon after booting in or connected to network ;
Doesn't care to bootin means we can hear the HDD's whizzing sound and
I use Acer 4520 laptop and dual boot it with Linux Mint and XP. I also have Airtel broadband and Netgear 614 router. I am facing a rather strange problem.
After configuring the wireless with the resource CD I am unable to connect to the router (wireless) in XP. It says "Network not found"...
Hey guyz, check this.
Firefox seems to be partying on my RAM! Can anyone tell me if this is usual or is it just a unique case (trouble) on my computer.
Seems like the browser conveniently forgets to release the RAM which was alloted to it when higher number of tabs was open!
I was having this trouble with Digit since I joined this place. But the forum is not counting my posts accurately. I have more than 60 posts and it is showing only19-20. See into the matter.
Hi guys,
I think our fellow member Harvik780 and his brother Quadroplex780 is in some trouble , i dont know exact but anyone knows where he is or is he ill or what has happened to him?
Help! My new samsung lcd monitor has started giving me troubles already.
As u can see in the attached pic, there r some THICK LINES on display. They r kind of hardware trouble. With no option left coz i had to sent an urgent mail, i slapped the monitor at the bak a few times....... n the...
Hi all,
Opera ver 9.22 has been released... Download from *
Changelog for Opera 9.22 for Windows - *
(Had trouble posting the entire changelog, so posting as link instead. Sorry for the inconvenience)
Hi guys
I've complete around 35% of the game. Now I'm in the flying school missions , where CJ has to learn flying. Although the game was Avg in terms of difficulty, I'm having a hellot of trouble in the flying missions. After retrying for about 3 hrs, I somehow completed the Airstrip Circle...
Hi Guest we just wanted to alert you to a major change in the forum. We will no longer be allowing the posting of outgoing links. Please use the attachment feature to attach media to your posts.