
  1. V

    Dictionary for N-gage ??

    i hav downloaded 1 dic(MS Dict). of s60, but i found it doesnt work in N-gageQD and working fine in 6600, y it so,, and if u knw d others thn just tel me their name,,, reply wud be appriciate. thnk u
  2. J

    viewsonic or sony ??

    hey fellas iv decided to buy a 17 inch lcd tft screen my requirements are as follows dvi output (i dont want vga like samsung offers) 8 ms response time 600:1 contrast ration (i can manage with a little lesser though_ anyway as far as i know lg and samsung dosent have a dvi...
  3. D

    How To Delete Gmail Account.........

    Hi can anybody tel me how to delete gmail account permanently thanks
  4. D

    No Display.........

    Hi i have piv 128 mb ram from last few days there is no display now the pb is i send this motherboard for repairing and it was repaired and done but after 2 days again the same pb occur. now i resend the same to my repairer but when he connects the same the display come there but when i bought...
  5. D

    need to know abt Nokia 1600

    hi everybody i just want to buy a simple phone , can any body tel me abt nokia 1600 i wil be planing to buy in 2 days kindly tel me something abt it thanks
  6. S

    Blue screen error!!!

    hai guys, i am frequently getting a blue screen with a message "Page fault in non paged area" can anybody tel me wats wrong with my pc,wat should i do?
  7. S

    blue screen error!!!

    hai guys, i am frequently getting a blue screen with a message "Page fault in non fault area" can anybody tel me wats wrong with my pc,wat should i do?
  8. The Incredible

    Irritating Opera

    Now this has happened three times.. man, after every two or three days or even 4 days my all wand passwords are deleted. i'm having over 62 a/c and it is hard to remember them thus i use da wand facility of Opera.. plz tel me how to get rid of it si that none of my wand passwords are...
  9. huzaifa b arab

    Man!!! What the hell are bit torrent files any way.....

    Friends can any body tel me abt Bit torrent files and the sofware needed to open or 2 execute them..... I have Bit Spirit..... Is it the answer 2 my question..... If yes can any body tel me how 2 use it.... And if not for what is it used for and still how 2 use it..... :cry:
  10. D

    info needed

    What processor will i get for Rs.14,000/- based on 64 bit platform. also tell the motherboard with. Also tel me the config of the proccessor
  11. huzaifa b arab

    Play station Emulator. . . not working... Help.....

    :roll: :roll: :roll: Hey , can any body tel me which emulator is the best for running PS2 games. Also tel me the the whole procedure to emulate it... :roll: :roll: :roll:
  12. S

    Which is good FAT32 or NTFS

    Hi friends just want to kno some detail about NTFS partition and FAT32 partion. Please tel me wich is Best type and WHY? And Also wat's the difference between them.
  13. K

    OS problems

    hi, well my fren has just loaded XP.he had 98SE before.its ter in his c drive and xp is in d what happens is, 98SE doesnt detect cd rom..but in XP,all works fine...what cud be the problem..also tel me if he wanna keep only XP as a single os,how shud he go about deleting win98 all...
  14. anilmail17

    doc to pdf

    hi friends i want to convert my word document file to pdf anybody plz tel me where can i found a freeware converter for this.
  15. J

    Cracking Or Hacking

    Hi, Plz tel me what is the differences between Cracking & Hacking?
  16. A

    Dr. Divx!! 7 hrs??

    Hey guys just tel me how long should it take to RIP a 3hr movie DVD using Dr.Divx into avi?? My comp took some painful 7 HOURS ! ! Also tel me how check and Enable DMA for Harddisk??
  17. A

    Multisession DVD

    Can i do a Multisession on a DVD??I use Nero6.Plz tel me how!
  18. T

    Help - Reinstallin XP SP2

    hey this is a result of the fact that my problem cud not be solved at the forums !! :( one of the rarest of threads !!! :cry: now the thing is tat i need to reinstall my XP and i have Win XP cd with SP 1 only and I have SP 2 ka org MS cd (wich i got for free) so now ...
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