
  1. R

    High end gaming & graphics machine - suggest config

    Use: Gaming at 1920x1050 (or 1600x1200) with most of features enabled. Video editing. Graphics. Animation. Budget 75K to 100K excluding monitor, keyboard & mouse. My current machine is like this- (I am keeping it for my brother) Mobo - Asus P5Q Pro CPU - Core2Duo E8400 @3 GHz Graphics - 2 x...
  2. rhasta

    Mind Power Machine

    I recently came across an article by Dr.Bapna showing his mind power machine. It says that the machine(kit comprising of books,cds,headphone etc.) The machine helps for stress management, studying for engineering exams etc. Has anyone tried this machine or has experianced it?? Please give...
  3. J

    The system could not log you on. The server authenticating you reported an error (0xC

    Hi Brother, “The system could not log you on. The server authenticating you reported an error (0xC00000BB). You can find further details in the event log. Please report this error to the system administrator” I am getting the above error when I am trying to login to Domain as well as to the...
  4. V

    Naya Graphic card with Purana PC... Need Help

    Hi Guys, I was planning to buy new PC this month, but one of my friend suggested me to go only with new Graphic Card, as I've updated my entire machine in the month of Nov'2008. My Machine Configuration : Processor : AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ 2.5 Ghz Motherboard ...
  5. ashishnehete

    disposing a 10 year old computer

    Guys i have been using my P3 machine for around 10 years now the problem is tat its RAM got burnt out and i am least interested in spending on a P3 and am thinkin of buying a new machine,but Where does the old machine go ? junk seller do not properly dispose the hazardeous waste in the machine...
  6. topgear

    17-year-old Windows Flaw Affects All Since NT

    Windows Virtual DOS Machine bug from 17 years ago affects Windows 7 users today. We often hear of Windows security bugs that plague a recent version of the operating system that many are still using today, but rarely do we hear of a bug that reaches all the way back – 17 years – to Windows...
  7. official

    Unusal harddisk problem

    i have three hard drives one 80 GB pata, one 500GB pata and one 250 GB sata.. last night all of a sudden my pc stopped working.. The machine was not at all responding. I removed all the HDD and connected them one by one. But the problem persisted. When i remove the HDD the machine starts and...
  8. R

    A very basic 1080p Machine Required

    I need basic machine for watching HD movies Please suggest me the cheapest configuration that will do the job? what im looking for is a basic Proccy MOB Ram power supply and i already have two 40 Gb Sata hard disks at my disposal don't include the hard-disks and yes.. no...
  9. arpanmukherjee1

    virtual machine

    i ma not sure of the section to post this question. help needed anyways:: i want to know about a virtual machine that uses the capacity of multi cores and recognises gpu as well. I know it works slowly than native OS but i run Microsoft virtual mach and it uses only 50% of the cpu
  10. Gauravs90

    Windows 7 upgrade version: The dos and don'ts

    There's a bit of a tempest in a teapot brewing over what one can and can't do with a Windows 7 upgrade disk. My hope with this post is to help things simmer down as opposed to boiling over, but we'll see. So here goes. The upgrade version of Windows 7 (as opposed to the higher-price full...
  11. Krazzy Warrior

    How to Install multi OS using Vbox ?

    Sun VirtualBox is a collection of powerful virtual machine tools, targeting desktop computers, enterprise servers and embedded systems. With VirtualBox, you can virtualize 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems on machines with Intel and AMD processors, either by using hardware virtualization...
  12. P

    Sony slims PlayStation 3 console

    Electronics giant Sony has announced a new, slimmer version of its PlayStation 3 (PS3) games console. The sleek machine is around a third lighter, a third slimmer and uses a third less power than the original, said Kaz Hirai of the firm. Speaking at the Games Com conference in Cologne...
  13. A

    No VGA detcted!Please help!

    Guys, Most weird problem!After updating my Graphics crad with the latest drivers,my machine gives One Long,Three Short Beeps while booting,which according to my Mobo manual indicates No VGA Detected,and then freezes completely. Now,the strange part is that when I press the Power Button for some...
  14. A

    Some suggestions on two-wheelers required

    My father had bought an LML Vespa NV way back in 1991, and it performed well enough till date. But since last few years it has started drinking fuel like anything. I guess our maruti 800 gives more mileage than this machine. So daddy needs a new two-wheeler. Please suggest some. Budget :-...
  15. U

    Best cheapets PC

    Hi lads I have a budget of 1500 EUR. Where can I buy a top spec machine for these money?
  16. P

    DHCP issues with new switch...

    Hi guys. One of my friends runs a cyber cafe. His network looks somewhat like this: ADSL modem ----- Machine A ----- 10 Mbps Hub ----- Machines B through F Machine A runs Windows XP, and handles the PPPoE dial-up part of the ADSL connection. Machines B through F run Windows...
  17. R

    How to install network OS?

    I want to instal Windows XP from network without any CD-ROM or FDD in the client machine. I m using windows 2003 as server.
  18. N

    trojan attack - kryptic.HH n kryptic.HY

    techies, am exp. d worst trojan attak on my machine... tried all sort of antivirus program's viz..avira, avast, quick heal, n only nod32 was able to detect the virus but not clean it...... d moment i connect the trojan start's sending files from my machine whish is y am not able to connect to...
  19. S

    XEN Virtual Machine on OpenSUSE 11.1 [Processor does not support full virtualization]

    Hi i have SUSE 11.1 64 bit, Phenom 9550 and gigabyte 780G motherboard. In one of the hard disk i have installed windows XP. Now when I create a virtual machine for windows XP using XEN it throws "Processor(s) does not support full virtualization". I have booted using the XEN kernel. I want to...
  20. windchimes

    DELL Service...Who says they are the best??

    Well guys..3 months back I purchased a customized studio 15. Two weeks back the machine started restarting again and again. It won't even boot in most of the times. Now getting into the real issue I made a complaint more than 2 weeks back. And believe me 5 engineers visited seperately...
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