
  1. pritish_kul2

    How do i create my own IRC??

    How do i create my own IRC?? in which i want my family and friends
  2. gary4gar

    Why You are There At Digit Chatroom(IRC)????

    Full coverage!!! No network issues - Digit IRC, Just an IM away I see many thread daily demanding that there should be a a Chat room or there should be a shoutbox but many have missed the point that we already have a chatroom running on for a long time.:rolleyes: the channel name...
  3. nileshgr

    New IRC channel started

    Before you start bombing me i will tell you that such a similar thread exists in this forum by chinmay. i joined it but found no one. So i have started a new IRC. channel: room: #digit-forum i wish u will join and we all can chat together. :)
  4. phreak0ut

    Are there any medical IRC channels?

    My friend wants to chat with other medical students/professionals on IRC. Are there any channels? Hopefully, they should answer the queries and not boot the person out. Please suggest some channels guys.
  5. tango_cash

    which is the best IRC client????

    hi i am in a need for a IRC client. which is the best one???
  6. Maverick340

    IRC basics

    HI , i wanted to learn the basics of IRC . What are the different servers and how do you shre files on them . What is DCC ? etc etc.. I also wanted to know if you can configure mIRC for cahtting on LAN ..
  7. santu_29

    how 2 add irc to webpage

    i want to know how to add an irc chat room to a webage. there are so many java chatroom providers and codes available but could not find any resource on adding a webbased irc chat . i have my channel on dalnet. so i need to add dalnet n not any other service, as i have seen some servers...
  8. chinmay

    Digit Unofficial Chat-Room [IRC]

    Disclaimer: This Chat-Room isn't affiliated with Digit or Jasubhai Digital Media in any way. The server on which #thinkdigit channel is hosted also hosts the official Neowin chat-room but we are not connected wiith it in any way. I had previously seen a few thread on suggestions about startin...
  9. mario_pant

    is there an IRC download manager??

    well.... the topic says it all....
  10. mario_pant

    wuts the use of DC++ ?

    u know i hear a lot about DC++ nowadays.... can someone explain how it is nice or somthing.... is it related to IRC or something..... please tell me... i also tried downloading it but cudn't get any use of it.....
  11. vandit

    got an open source IRC?

    has anyone got an open source IRC which I can add to my site.... :)
  12. mario_pant

    Digit needs a chat!!!

    hey there.... mods and devs at digit.... there is an urgent need of a chat..... dont u see the help requests piling up....... and all the unanswered questions......... hey digit NEEDS a chat! it can be anywhere IRC or even at digits own website.... But Weeee neeed a chaaaattt!!!!!!...........
  13. Charley

    Howdo i get on IRC .. Is it a site

    Please give me the link for IRC............ :o :D
  14. P


    HI guys i use msn as well as yahoo and want 2 chat on IRC which is better Trillian Or GAIM Or JABBER or any other plz suggest.
  15. GameAddict and are down...alternatives?

    Hi, The above two sites are down and I was wondering where to find Torrent resources. I know other Torrent sites, but thinking of turning to IRC for Torrents. If you know any *working* Torrent channels on IRC, please post with server name and channel name. Bye! GA
  16. GNUrag

    Chat Clients : A mini shootout

    On request from Ricky, i am doing a small shootout of chat clients in linux/unix environment. However this list is about the clients that i have used. Chat Clients : A mini shootout 1) Unix Talk This one is the most basic chat program available for all the unix geeks since ages. First...
  17. GameAddict

    How to Fserve in IRC ?

    Hi, Please let me know how to Fserve in IRC? I use Undernet and mIRC 6.x as IRC client.If you have done it, nothing better! And also let me know what precautions to take while Fserving. Bye! GA
  18. D

    *[NEW!]* Opera 7.6 Technical Preview 3!

    Just released, the new update to Opera 7.6 brings in a host of changes as usual :) This new update features a more better interface than in 7.6 r2 (slight improvements and changes) IRC lovers will be glad to know that Opera finally supports irc:// protocol! Now you can directly click on...
  19. Ashis

    Have U join the IRC Yet (Geeks Only)!!!

    Hey people, Do U guys visit the IRC's ??? I need to Know how many people Really do? & listin to Ur Views!
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