
  1. rahul_c

    Mysterious mark on laptop screen

    I've a Dell Vostro 1510 which has a matte screen. I have used collin to clean the screen ever since I have bought it, that will be around 3 yrs and never faced any issues. But now there is a spot on the screen which is not going away. I have attached a pic, please help me out guys.
  2. heartripple

    Quartine log files seems to be corrupted...?

    Quarantine log files seems to be corrupted...? Hey guys.... There is one pc at my brother's office and for last one month its been infected with Auto.it virus....tried many things but not enough...they are using Quick Heal Total Security Genuine copy..... today he faced a problem...
  3. quicky008

    Reliability of Corsair VX450 PSU

    I purchased a corsair vx450 for my system a couple of months earlier and i've been using it since then.So far,it has worked properly and i have not faced any problems with it at all.However,of late,it has started emitting a low-pitched jittery noise that sounds a lot like "kirrrrrrrrr" while my...
  4. ten24bytes

    A Programming problem faced in an Interview by me

    Hi guys, Recently I gave an interview for a company where I faced an unusual question. The interviewer asked me to make a program which calculates 2^(any 5 digit no.) in any programming language. The thing is that what data type to take as he specifically mentioned not to take...
  5. Incredible Hulk

    Commuter Strike on the 12th of August

    Guys if u have read today's mumbai mirror u would have seen on the front page news of a silent protest being carried out against all rickshaw and taxi drivers in the city. These guys have long been fleecing the public by manipulating meters. Recently they had gone on strike to demand an increase...
  6. chinawall

    E 51 users(or interested ones) group discussion

    HI ! recently started using Nokia E51. so just though of having some discussion among the users as well as other ones regarding some issues which i read in many sites in net. 1st of all i would like to know if we have anyone who has updated to 200.34.36? if yes then is there any problem...
  7. T

    DNS Problem...

    Hi All! I have been facing problems recently ,Most websites do not resolve and i have to refresh 8-9 Times to make it resolve and load. Only the Thinkdigit and Google Apps work fine . I am using BSNL H750 Plan but I had not faced this issue before. Please recommend me any good DNS.Also how is...
  8. S

    vibration is not workiing in my n73...?????

    heya friends ......i got a problem with my N73 .. it vibration is not working even though its enabled everyprofile ...i got checked by nokia care also but no of use.... they just cleaned the vibration device nothing else ... tell me the solution of problem if anyone faced dat... i also hv heard...
  9. mad1231moody

    Torrent woes !!

    Hii there. I downloaded some video file from torrent.Now I have a very ill connection of 128kbps, I braved for some 4 days and after all the hassles I was stopped by the "Help us" video.They asked me for a favour that asked for CC details.They say that after I complete the task I will be given a...
  10. CadCrazy

    Me, Myself & Hardy

    Q:1(Solved) I am not getting Custom option in Visual effects even after installing CCSM. As a result i m not able to apply custom settings of "Advance Desktop Settings". I have heard some other guy here also faced the same problem. Any idea how to fix this. Ek Masum aadmi ki help karo :D
  11. C

    DLink GLB-502T problems

    I just bought a new D-Link GLB-502T ADSL modem for use with my BSNL Dataone connection. I configured it to autodial as per instructions given on various sites and it connected properly. However there are 2 problems neither of which I faced with my Huawei MT841. 1) The inteenet keeps...
  12. H

    Any Questions related to hosing/domain services of web here....

    I can give you any information about hosting and hosting problems in the internet. As a starter, i give a list of hosting services that i use for my website. www.free-site-host.com www.50webs.com www.x10hosting.com (thanks to gigacore) www.tripod.lycos.co.uk www.box.net But for only...
  13. T

    Weird Internet Problem.

    Some sites like gmail.com, MSN.com and Messengers (Yahoo,MSN, Gtalk) are not working anymore. First I thought it is a virus which by AV couldnt beat so I formatted and reinstlalled all but still same thing :confused: Has some one else faced similiar prob before with BSNL? If yes whats the...
  14. shreyadr

    windows validation ?

    recently i have migrated from win2k to win xp. decided to install IE7, but the microsoft site requires validation...which my PC could not pass, so i could not downloaded the IE7, the test concluded that "Volume license blocked" what it is ? i had never faced such problem earlier..... however...
  15. M

    vista will run on my pc...?

    This is config of my desktop 2 yr old system.......... few days ago,i installed custom version of vista then i got appearence of 16 bit,n there was no chance to change it as it was freezed and always got error update u r drivers,I installed VGA drivers from driver cd then restarted it but i...
  16. saurabh.sauron

    Bug in Firefox???

    I just found out a supposed bug in FireFox It is related with the download manager. I noticed that when we pause a download, and then resume it again, it instantly informs us that the download is complete and then the whole download is corrupted and needs to be done again. :confused...
  17. pritish_kul2

    MTNL broadband query

    I am planning to take 2mbps. can u advice me to should i take it. because i have heard many problems are faced with it.
  18. S

    To get answer

    HI.. chould i post any networking problem which i faced last few days, in this forum? suraj8)
  19. gdatuk

    Nokia earphones are crap

    I have been using Nokia for most part of my mobile life Right now i own a N70 the headphoenes(HS-3) supplied with it were really good...(almost ipod effect) but after 6 months of usage...the connector pin gets worn out and it connects loose only one of ear plug work...so its no more stereo...
  20. blademast3r

    Windows media player prob

    Hi guys i use win mp 11 my screen res is 1088 X 612 (16:9) the problem is that each time i play a video full screen the aspect ratio is set to 4:3 and only a small central portion of the screen is used...this prob is not faced at 4:3 resolutions...BAscially is there a way to stretch vids in...
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