
  1. P

    looking for a software which will do same as MS photo editor

    I am looking for a software which is same as microsoft photo editor . Generally MS photo editor comes with MS office , but here I am not allowed to use that . I thought of irfanview....... now that is also in blocked list . so now what should I do ? adobe photoshop is a heavy software . I am...
  2. Thor

    Complier with Notepad++

    Hi ... I generally use DevCPP for my CPP Program compiling. Recently I came across NOTEPAD++ *notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/download.php I really like this editor... Is there any way to integrate this editor with compilers like MiniGW ? Notepad++ has inbuilt support for C++...
  3. [A]bu

    Best editor

    what is the best editor which is very light and give information...
  4. paragkalra

    Which is the Best, Free and Light PHOTO EDITOR?

    Hi Friends.....I want to write some text over the pics (photos) which I have...Can anyone please suggest best, light and free (shareware) photo editor to suffice my needs....
  5. Gigacore

    How to disable Windows Key using Regedit?

    Can any one help me to disable the Windows Key using registry editor???
  6. arunks

    Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 1.3 is out!!!

    What is Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 1.3? screenshots. Due to the increased popularity of each prior release Ubuntu Christmas Edition (~15,000 downloads in 2 weeks), Ubuntu Ultimate 1.2 has seen over 50,000 downloads in 3 days. Gamers Edition has seen almost 4 Terabytes of traffic since its...
  7. H

    Suggest a good level editor please...

    Hi, I love games and and i just finished my animation course so I was planning to merge these two by making some content for games. Then it occurred to me that many games nowdays come with level editors, so, can anyone pleas suggest a good game which comes with a level editor. thanx...
  8. N

    text editor??

    is there any text editor or any other software which can automatically insert " | " this chracter in the blanks space of 2 lines of a database ... if yes pls tell me.. i need it for project work..
  9. Gaurav

    java editor

    Is there any editor which allows creation of java gui programs and cui programs, which has the facility, just as we have in visual Basic 6(i.e. dragging and dropping controls and similar properties like). If it has a compiler for compiling and executing the code directly from within the IDE, not...
  10. M

    Guyz suggest me a good video editor

    guyz my pc specs are 256 ram,p4 2.4ghz,64mb video ram..i tried "Muvee Autoproducer" although it was quite a nice editor it actually required 512 RAM..suggest me some good video editors low on size.coz i use dial-up..
  11. saurabh kakkar

    windows registery problem

    hi i am facing unusual prob. while appling rectrictions in windows xp registry 1. my windows registry editor is not showing CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\System 2. my windows registry editor is not showing...
  12. Manshahia

    Internet Connection in Linux via Mobile

    1.Connect the mobile via USB cable. 2. Open terminal and type su to become root. 3. It will ask for the root password, type in there. 4. Then Issue this command wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf Phone wud b detected as Modem 5. Then to Edit this file, open it in a Text...
  13. koolbluez

    New Text/Code editor

    We r quite familiar with Crimson Editor, NotePad++, TextPad... They rock. Makes life (or should i say.. code editing) simple... No fuss.. direct editin. There's a new kid in the block by the logo.. In type we trust. Well... Intype is a powerful and intuitive code editor for Windows with...
  14. hemant_mathur

    Need a Host for my blog and forum

    I am in search of a good free host for my blog, forum and site. I need a site creator having WYSIWYG editor and also a manual editor with ftp support. The blog should have comments feature. I tried google pages but it doesn't has good manual editor and 275mb.com does not allow mods to be...
  15. cerebral_stroke

    HELP-problem in nokia text message editor

    i hav nokia 6630.when i send message thru nokia text message editor in nokia pc suite from my pc the date time incorporates in the send message.and this result in two message instead of a single one.how to solve it ...thanks in advance:?
  16. Samystic

    File menu disable...

    I want to disable the file/edit/view menu in my explorer and the throbber...i have used this tweak to do this... ----------------------------------- Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{5b4dae26-b807-11d0-9815-00c04fd91972}] -----------------------------------...
  17. blackpearl

    PDF file editor

    Never knew a pdf file could be edited. I thought it was something permanent!!:o Foxit PDF Editor Did any of these ever happen to you? Had a PDF file ready for printing, and then found some minor typo? Wanted to electronically fill a PDF form, but it was not fill-able? Got a PDF...
  18. JhonCena

    PHP Editor

    Which is the best PHP Editor out there. I tried UltraEdit but Crap! Tell me some more PHP Editors(Freeware)
  19. M

    XN Resource Editor

    Edited Edited
  20. Vishal Gupta

    SOLUTION: Folder Options not available in Tools Menu!

    Guys! Many ppl find that in their windows Tools -> Folder Options is not visible, they also can't access it from the Control Panel. I hv seen so many threads for this problem recently in our forum, I searched in forum and found more than 15 threads for this problem. :) So I decided to post...
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