
  1. Vyom

    Security Cameras for home security

    So I intend to get a bunch of security cameras to put around in my multi story house for security purpose. I was thinking what's the best brand to go about looking. I want to be able to track the security feeds from an app. I have experience with a Mi camera that I bought 5 years ago...
  2. A

    security surveillence

    Outdoor security cameras are the most important in our security..outdoor security is perfect for preventing assaults and false claims of misconduct (ideal for schools, hospitals etc). CCTV helps to ensure adherence to health and safety policies and can be invaluable in staff training.outdoor...
  3. P

    Camera (digital/Semi-Slr/Cyber shot) any under 9-10K

    hi please suggest me the better picture quality camera under 9 to 10K . i dont have much idea about cameras. Need to gift my younger brother this friday, so please suggest exact names.
  4. N

    CCTV Setup + View over extended LAN/WIFI

    Hi. I am setting a new CCTV Setup with 8 cameras, all night vision bullet type with 900 tvl resolution. I am confused about network function of DVR, so I havent decided on DVR yet. I will need to put dvr in work area. I want to view the cameras at my office, which is 200 meter distance...
  5. T

    A rare moment is too costly to waste on a traditional compact flash.

    If you are photographer or a videographer, you understand the importance of rare moments, and how capturing that moment your equipment is a tricky task. However, all these experience goes to dust if the quality of the picture or video taken is not good. Thus a professional to take those...
  6. Rahim

    Need complete guide in implementing CCTV

    I need to implement CCTV in my workplace. The requirements: 1: At least 16 good quality cameras. 2: I prefer a PC-based DVR system. 3: What is the price range of the various components? 4: Do these come in complete package or various components needs to be assembled? 5: I need to...
  7. rickenjus

    good camera - Rs 10,000

    first thing first.... It will be my First digital camera and I know nothing about cameras .. Before this I was using REEL wala camera.. What's your budget? Rs 10,000 Camera type? Point and Shoot/ bridge Body Style? Although doesnt matter but Compact preferred How much zoom do...
  8. Flash

    NASA: A Giant leap for the Frogkind

    It was snapped by one of NASA's remote cameras during last week's launch of the LADEE spacecraft at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. "The photo team confirms the frog is real and was captured in a single frame by one of the remote cameras used to photograph the launch," NASA explains in...
  9. prds359

    Camera within 18K [INR]

    Hey guys, need to buy a camera, but am a bit confused with exactly what should i buy .. 1. i selected Nikon S9500 earlier as i wanted a compact cam as it's easy to travel with .. but when it comes to features, i have noticed that no compact camera gives fully manual access to it's features...
  10. T

    Help decide on a cctv camera

    Hi everybody. I own a clothing store. In the last couple of days I’ve noticed some of the things going missing. So I’ve decided to place some closed-circuit television cameras in the shop. I think two should cover the places where I cannot see. I don’t want to spend much, about $100-110… I was...
  11. Extreme Gamer

    Setting up a business LAN and security camera grid, need advice

    Guys, my dad has gotten a new office for his business. I'm setting up a hybrid LAN consisting of 4 wired PCs, ~10 security cameras and a few wireless devices (laptops, cellphones). The network cabling is Category 6. I need suggestions on a good router to bring the network together. I'm thinking...
  12. cacklebolt

    Difference between cameras

    All the new flagships are launching with new camera features. I want to know differences between HTC Zoe,Blackberry Timeshift,Lumia 920's whiz bangs and other cameras.
  13. M

    how to buy professional video camera

    Dear Friends, Please suggest suitable professional video camera models to meet following needs: 1. To be used for recording documentaries outdoors 2. to be used for recording staged events after 6 pm (India) with sufficient lighting on stage 3. to be used for recording talks in studio 4...
  14. GhorMaanas

    [Want to Buy] Canon Powershot SX10 IS / SX1 IS / Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50 / Sony CyberShot DSC-HX1

    Anyone having either of these cameras and willing to sell, please PM me. am on a limited budget (under 10k).
  15. aroraanant

    security camera DVR

    I am planning to set up few cameras in my factory to keep a watch on my staff, so I need a DVR(32 CH will be enough I think) and cameras but I don't have any idea about them. I need you guys to tell me that what should be my priority in this and what should I look for. I don't want to spend a...
  16. Achuth

    Entry Level DSLR Queries

    Hey everyone , I am planning to buy an entry level DSLR in February ..Maximum Budget is around 30k. I've shortlisted the following cameras Nikon d5100[top preference] Nikon d3200 canon 550d [not interested in the Nikon d3100 and canon 1100d] Also I have seen a good deal at...
  17. MetalheadGautham

    Best cam at Rs. 5000-6000 Budget

    This is for a friend. I recommended him the Canon IXUS 105, because I have the same and it was priced at Rs. 5999 on flipkart the last time I checked. Seems its been superseeded by other models and I'm not sure which one to buy. Suggest a point and shoot at this price. Preferably available...
  18. K

    Need help

    I was thinking of buying a digital camera as cheap as possible The only reason for this although I am satisfied by my N73 phone camera I want a camera which can do HD video recording and most important shoot RAW files as I am really impressed by this format My budget is nearly 5k i know it...
  19. M

    Lets get your opinion about Nikon FM10...

    So,Nikon has this 35mm SLR camera... FM10.It retalis for Rs 21,950.Now my question is why it is there?What is the reason for its existence???I mean in this era where the market is flooded with digital cameras that offers so much features for so little price why does it at all exist.Nowadays...
  20. R

    Camera between 10-15k

    Can anyone please suggest me a good digital camera between 10-15k(wont be a problem if range increases by one or two thousands). I have personally viewed a few cameras like Sony dsc Hx9v, nikon s8200and nikon L120 etc. but is not able to decide anything. My requirements are high resolution...
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