
  1. R

    how to do a good scan ? want your help. please read .

    I want to scan a book and upload it in the internet , in this regard I want your advise . The book is some pages hand written , some pages printed, there are also some B/w and colored photographs in it . so how to scan it ? should I torn all the pages from the book and scan one by one...
  2. fun2sh

    HP7 causes another row!!

    yesterday we witnessed a great stupidy on this forum just coz of HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS. but here's another row in ISRAEL Source:* THIS 7 TH BOOK IS...
  3. R

    Guest Book tutorial needed.

    I have a website * I added guest book on this website but it is not working. I am using Apache server and control panel. I created one file in the cgi.bin and I created guestbook.htm and guestlog.htm and added these two files in the root...
  4. ssk_the_gr8

    Harry Potter 7:From where r u buyin it?

    everyone seems to be pre-ordering deathly hallows.& even i want to:D & have good offers for the book. so guys ,from where r u ordering the book & how much did it cost?plz give details. i want to buy online.. so plz suggest a reliable website which has a good offer...
  5. paragkalra

    Good Book on Shell Scripting?

    Hi Folks....Can u please suggest some good book on SHELL SCRIPTING! It should have decent amount of explanation in lucid language and with plenty of SHELL SCRIPT examples.....

    More Than Human (fastest talking woman)

    She speaks more than 10 WORDS a second, not 10 SYLLABLES... And if you think people speak faster in "other" languages then aren't they ever listed in the Guinness book of World Records as "fastest talker" or even "fastest talker in spanish" Source
  7. fun2sh

    Calling All Harry Potter Fans!!

    HI GUYS!!! now less than 2 months r left before the final book comes in our hand. so lets start a new discussion ON WAT WILL HAPPEN IN BOOK 7. great though i cant wait for the book to come :shock:
  8. M

    What about Apple support in India,planning for mac book ?

    Hi i m thinking of mac book...what about support ? i didnt find any apple store on website under support tab. expecting valuable suggestions from mac users n from others too. should i go for it ? pls provide me links or phone numbers.... is it availabe in bombay. thanks
  9. aditya.shevade

    C++ books needed (names)

    Hi Can someone please tell me any good book on C++. One that has good language, covers C under linux or is written specially for linux programming, has plenty examples with good explanation and very less grammar errors and good language is important.... One of my friends suggested "C++...
  10. [A]bu

    What is Internet?

    I think you have read many books about internet but can you say the correct defn. of internet... What is Internet?:p Hey Don't try to open that book...
  11. R

    Lot's of free on-line books

    i don't know if this has been posted before, but it is a good link to thousands of free circulars/books on-line. some busted links there but i did find quite a few good ones. e.g. book Someone Is Watching Over Me: A Memoir written by Florence Mayer Lieblich.</p>
  12. milnniki

    I want to old digit pdf format book.

    i m skeep some of digit issue so now i want to read all old pdf format book so what can i do ?
  13. JamesTryForYou

    Give me complete guitar tutorial.

    Hello guys, can anyone gimee some complete free guitar tutorial links. I am using a book named "Complete idiot guide to guitar tutorial " , if someone hadalready followed the book, please tell me is it sufficient enough to complete full guitar lessons. Thanks in advance.
  14. L

    Suggest me an e book

    Can someone provide me the download link of a good e book based on hardware. I want it to be free. Thanks.
  15. nagarjun_424

    Mac Book with Windows?

    Hi guys! I am planning to exchange my Toshiba Laptop with a Mac Book and run Windows Vista on it using Boot Camp. This will enable me to use Mac and Windows on a single laptop. I really like the features of iLife. I love the software. I love macs for its ability to handle multimedia easily. I...
  16. nix

    suggest me a good C book

    well the title says it all i want a good C book. also it would be nice if you tell me which e-book is good or from which sites i can learn that C language.. thanks in advance...
  17. A

    2nd hand barely used books

    Book seekers have a good news. There are even more books rolling out: 1.Illustrator 10 Shop Manual by Steve Kurth. Every command, every menu item & every button of Illustrator 10 explained! Original price Rs. 165/-. 2. Illustrator 10 Visual Quick Start Guide by Weinmann & Lourekas. Lots of tips...
  18. drsethi

    How to open pdb files

    I have downloaded a book. It is a .pdb file. How to open it?
  19. praka123

    Linuxers,there is a free e-book(s) for You!

    Free Book - Linux Kernel in a Nutshell * download 4m authors site: Full Book Downloads: Tarball of all LKN PDF files (3MB) Tarball of all LKN DocBook files (1MB) *
  20. thilina

    Can anybody send me an about Ubuntu e book??

    I want to find some basic info abt Ubuntu 6.06.Dont tell me abt sites where i can download them.Plz send the book to me or give me a direct link.Plzz,its urgent :o :o :o :o :o :o :D :D :D :D :D :D
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