
  1. nikhilsharma007nikx

    some advice about a 9thy !!!

    well im in 9th class and im a little cunfused about wat to take so want to get help i love architechture so i think i should take it but my mind goes towards medical science !! can u people suggest me about the courses and scope in both the fields !!! well i do make good drwaings and im a...
  2. Garbage

    Arch Linux ARM for Raspberry Pi available for download

    Source - Arch Linux ARM available for download | Raspberry Pi
  3. Garbage

    Arch Linux 2011.08.19 released

    Read more at - Arch Linux - News: 2011.08.19 installation media
  4. nims11

    sound problem with kmix (arch linux)

    i installed ARCH 2 days ago. i used ALSA to provide audio functionality. my PC has two output jacks- one front and one rear. it's not possible to use the rear jack as due to wire length constraints. during ALSA configuring ALSA, i had to unmute the surround option to get output out of my front...
  5. skeletor fast is Arch Linux?

    yC5eBdwi4Vs nkvd1Vbm2Jg Blazing fast, isn't it? I'm using Arch Linux with kernel 2.6.37-6 and KDE SC 4.6. Laptop specs Intel Core 2 Duo T5500 1.66 Ghz Intel GMA 950 120GB 5400RPM Hard Disk 1GB DDR2 RAM [/spoiler]
  6. NewsBytes

    Arch Linux 2010.05

    Unlike many of the other Linux distributions we tested, Arch Linux is one which doesn’t have any kind of fixed release model. Instead of there being a discreet Arch Linux 2010, or 10.3, etc, it instead favours a rolling release model. What this means is that you never need to reinstall...
  7. F

    [Solved] Arch Linux and my Xorg Woes.

    Hi all, After sometime I decided to get Arch back on my system. So I downloaded the 64 bit version and then followed the Beginner guide all the way to the part of where you have to install Xorg. Now first of all before I continue let me add my system information here. AMD Phenom 550 BE...
  8. chesss

    HOw does Arch 'Roll'

    Thinking of giving arch linux a try. One thing concerns me. I read that arch is rolling update kind of distro . How exactly does this work ? My concern is will I have to upgrade my system (while potentially breaking it ) every 3 months just to install the latest version of a package . I read...
  9. Dark Star

    Going Arch ! Need Help

    Hi I have used Arch Linux bu thaven't installed it bymyself.. My brother did it , but since I have quite a good experience I want something more powerful and which can boggle my mind.. I am downloading Arch 2008.6 X64 ISo.. I know ARCH is a LFS .. Therefore I want to know few things.. 1. How...
  10. vamsi360

    Arch made easy!

    Installing arch is made simple by softpedia. It will make it simple but you dont enjoy your frustration installing arch. I too have spent 5 hours to install window managers,X.....but the wiki is really good.All the time is spent to read it carefully.First I was shocked not to see the GUI in...
  11. J

    Hard disk life cycle issues of Laptops running Linux

    Hi guys, I found this. My Toshiba Hard Disk was also infected so I removed linux from my laptop. * *
  12. shady_inc

    gzipping root partition: will it work.?

    Hi there.! I have an Arch Linux installed on a 5 GB partition.I plan on buying a new hard disk soon and have only Arch's root partition plus a home partition on it.Will gzipping the current root partition and then gunzipping it on the new hard disk's root partition work, since I really don't...
  13. MetalheadGautham

    Help me get settled with Xfce

    For performance reasons I have moved from kdemod to xfce. I am slowly starting to like xfce and I want to have a long and healthy relationship with it. Please help me get started. I use Arch i686 and my rig is in my siggy. I installed xfce4, xfce4-goodies, xchat, firefox and xine. Anything else ?
  14. MetalheadGautham

    Should I migrate from Arch due to low repository speeds ?

    I have been using arch linux for some time now and I find it to be one of the best distros ever. Its very simple and easy to use, and configuring is very easy since only a handful of text files need to be edited. KDEmod simply rocks. But I have one major issue with it - its repositories are...
  15. S

    Installing Arch Linux

    Been using windows and ubuntu on PC for quite a long time but now after hearing a lot about arch these days,I wanna try it out.Some questions I need to ask: 1.Is is tougher than ubuntu? 2.Does it work with 2xGPU(SLI) or will I have to remove one GPU? 3.Are there any guides for it like...
  16. MetalheadGautham

    A Distro for Indian Schools

    Hi Guys! I am on a project to build the perfect distro for common Indian schools with low end computers as an educational tool. I need the distro to fulfill the following needs: 1. Be able to teach anyone about the internals of computing 2. Have an easy to learn commandline mode 3. Be easy...
  17. F

    Before you ask for a Distro...

    Before you ask for a Distro What is your purpose ? Are you looking to just casually play around with it here and there? If so why install? Why not just use a Linux Live CD. No changes are made to your Win system and you get to goof around in Linux as well. Or better yet why not install it...
  18. F

    the Arch Linux thread

    " You underestimate the power of the Dark Side. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny." -Darth Vader As some of you might of heard I recently decided to install Arch Linux due to the constant nagging of kalpik and some others in the IRC channel. The summary of our discussions...
  19. M

    26 Amazing Future Projects Of Dubai

    Burj Dubai - World's Tallest Building! Dubai Towers Da Vinci Tower Arch Bridge And many more! Check them out @ * Enjoy! :)
  20. Dark Star

    Arch Linux Help needed !

    Hi all Here is a story what I did ..I downloaded the I686 core pack from here * Now I burnt in CD and booted trough it .. I went to installation screen by typing /arch/setup now after that I did set file system .. I set my /dev/sda4 as swap and /dev/sda7 as /...
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