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    bypass rapidshare/megaupload trick question

    im no expert so im asking... @echo off echo ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /flushdns echo ipconfig /release ipconfig /release echo ipconfig /renew ipconfig /renew exit if i write this in txt and then change it to bat, will it be the same as writing it in the command prompt ? using those lines is...
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    how to seperate voice in audio file ?

    how can i listen to a song but without the words (and still make it clear) ? i heard it can be done with VirtualDub, how ? if cant/better way, how ?
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    How to bypass available bandwidth thing with MEGAUPLOAD ?

    "Unfortunately, all available bandwidth is currently reserved for our premium customers. Therefore, free downloads will be unavailable for the next 8 hours. We're working on adding more capacity for free users and would like to apologize for the inconvenience. Your Megaupload Team" everyday...
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    How to bypass rapidshare megaupload depofiles

    i think slots is something else, there is something in tutorial section how to bypass that.
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    what do 3 commands do ?

    if you know please just tell me what exactly each command do ? i dont understand anything if you tell me it releases ip address from adapter (i dont even know what adapter is).
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    what do 3 commands do ?

    all i want to know is about those 3 commands. please help.
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    what do 3 commands do ?

    what do you mean by release ip and renew ip ? after i write all three commands in the same order i wrote them, what happens?
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    what do 3 commands do ?

    ipconfig /all ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ------------------- what each command do ? what happens after i write all ?
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    how do i capture a screenshot from a movie file?

    i did it using realplayer (used it because the video file is rmvb). while playing the video with realplayer i clicked the "print screen" button (on the keyboard) and it captured it.
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    how do i capture a screenshot from a movie file?

    i have rmvb movie file and i want to capture a screenshot from it. i tried to do it with the option Save Image but it gave error message (media player classic). i tried also print screen button but it didnt do anything. can anyone help me ?
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    anyone knows how can i download from rapidshare without waiting time ?

    ok i did it, i disconnect the and reconnect the modem and it worked BUT is there a way to bypass the time limit without ruining my computer, disconnect the modem is not very "healthy" for the computer as far as i know.
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    anyone knows how can i download from rapidshare without waiting time ?

    i dont know what ip thing (or whatever it is) i have, soo if i dont have that ip change thing or whatever it is, is there any other way to do it?
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    How to bypass rapidshare megaupload depofiles

    worked for megaupload but not for rapidshare
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    anyone knows how can i download from rapidshare without waiting time ?

    but they all work only with that BSNL/MTNL stuff ?
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    anyone knows how can i download from rapidshare without waiting time ?

    i dont really know much about that stuff what are dedicated IP and BSNL/MTNL ? how do i know what i have ? if i dont have that isp or BSNL/MTNL, is there any trick or anything that can make them see me as a different guy?
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    anyone knows how can i download from rapidshare without waiting time ?

    is there a way to download files and not waiting an hour(or something like that) before another download is avaible ?
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    how to remove wga plugin from my computer ?

    its too old, i need something for the version 1.5.0723.1
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    how to remove wga plugin from my computer ?

    wga is some kind of spyware microsoft created that you must download and install after installation already started or else you wouldnt be able to complete it. they also dont say what the file you need to download and install (WGAPluginInstall.exe) do. my product version is 1.5.0723.1 (the file...
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    wga plugin destroyed my computer

    i tryed the system restore option or go to last good configuration option when that screen where you choose what you want to do after clicking F8(or one of the Fs) and both did nothing. after i installed service pack 2 i can see (in safe mode of course) that in drive c i have less than 500 MB...
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